Yes Boss (Billionaire Bosses #4) - Miley Maine Page 0,62

stopped it. But it was impossible to do so. Before I knew it, we were in bed together and I was helpless to resist the feelings Opal inspired within me.

I sigh and run a hand through my hair with a grimace. My eyes are sore, and I’m tired from both the late night and the constant stress of worrying both about the company and Opal over the last several weeks. Right now, what I really need is a nice, long sleep.

But there’s no time for that right now. Deadlines are starting to creep up on me, and the small amount of leeway I was given because I was the new owner has disappeared on me. My job has been made ten times harder without my secretary present, and there’s still no word on when she will return.

If she returns. Maybe our activities last night will be the final straw for our relationship. After all, we’d both agreed that it wouldn’t happen again, and we had done so well. But, perhaps the combination of me showing up to her apartment, uninvited, and then us sleeping together in her bed, was too much. As much as I want to be, we’re not in a relationship, and I need to stop forgetting that simple fact.

I look back down at the message. I honestly don’t know whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing that she wants to see me. I type back a quick agreement, promising that I would be there after work, and then drop the phone to my desk. I eye the piles of paperwork on my desk wearily.

It feels like nothing is getting done, though I know that isn’t true. I’ve been working my hardest, but the work is still piling up on me until I’m almost overwhelmed by it. How did my father deal with it all these years?

Even as I wonder, though, I know the answer. When Harold McNamara first started his company, it was much, much smaller. It only grew so large due to much time and patience from him, and he was able to change things bit by bit.

On the other hand, I’ve been thrown into the deep end. I don’t have to build this company up, it was already created and I’ve just taken the reins. But that means that I now have to manage every part of this company across the world at once with very little knowledge of how to do so. My father did his best, of course, to train me, but it’s very different when I’m doing it on my own without him to rely on.

It’s gotten to the point where, to my shame, I’ve considered more than once calling him and begging for help. I know he’d be happy to answer any questions or, if need be, come into the office and help me sort things out, but I don’t want to do that. I want to show him that I’m fully capable of doing this.

Even if, right now, it doesn’t feel like I am.

I sigh again and push myself away from the desk, standing and stretching. It’s around lunch, so I could take a break now. My head is spinning with all my thoughts and worries, so there’s no point in trying to work. The best thing I can do, right now, is put it aside and take a walk, maybe even eat something.

Then, hopefully, I’ll be able to come back with a fresh outlook.

I try my best to concentrate, but it isn’t easy right now.

“…Current figures are staying even, despite the period of unrest,” my head of finance, Eliza Moke says, her eyes lowered as she reads off a printed booklet she’s carrying.

I sneak a yawn and immediately feel guilt, despite the fact that she hasn’t seen. I organized this meeting yesterday with Eliza. She was originally meant to bring Maddie, who I’ve been dealing with mostly, but I’m thankful she didn’t so that no one else is here to witness me paying very little attention to my own finance reports.

“Unfortunately, the figures in Europe are not doing so well,” Eliza says.

That catches my attention.

“What do you mean by that?” I ask with a frown.

Eliza glances up at me.

“The change in ownership has, of course, affected all our sister companies,” she says. “And your investigation into all your employees, while fantastic exercises to weed out those who weren’t doing the right thing, has caused a lot of unrest. Here in America, it’s easy enough to soothe ruffled Copyright 2016 - 2024