Yes Boss (Billionaire Bosses #4) - Miley Maine Page 0,61

Even if that will likely mean that I have an entirely new set of stresses to deal with.

It doesn’t take me long to take the test, and, before I know it, I’m setting the stick beside the sink again and stepping away as I do up my pants. The box said it would only take a few minutes. That means I’ve only got a few minutes of denial before my life is changed forever.

I close my eyes. I don’t know that I’m pregnant. But…somehow, when the doctor suggested it, it felt more right than anything else. Maybe, that way, if it comes back negative, I can just feel happy. And, if it comes back positive, then I won’t be too surprised.

I count slowly in my mind. Soon, five minutes pass, and I know the test is ready. But I don’t want to see it. I don’t want to know. Now that the moment is here, maybe obliviousness is the better option…

I draw in a deep breath. And, before I can convince myself otherwise, I wrench my eyes open and look at the test.

It’s a plus.

I honestly thought that I wouldn’t be surprised. After all, all my thoughts were headed in the direction that I would be pregnant from the start. But, on seeing that tiny, innocuous symbol on the test, I feel my knees give up and I sit heavily on the toilet seat, stunned.

I’m pregnant.

“Fuck,” I say aloud, my voice echoing around the room.

It doesn’t make me feel better. It doesn’t stop the swiftly-rising hysteria within me.

I can’t be pregnant. I’ve only just finished my internship. I have to pay my bills. I have to work. My job… I’ve only just gotten a good job, and even Jason won’t be happy if I have to take months off, regardless of why. I’m going to lose it.



Jason, who is undoubtedly the father of my baby. He’s the only man I’ve slept with recently, so the baby is definitely his. That means I have to tell him.

How is he going to react? What is he going to say? Should I just keep it a secret?

I discard the foolish thought immediately. I work with Jason. There’s no way that he won’t know unless I quit my job, which I definitely can’t afford to do. I’ll need money to not just pay my bills, but to keep the baby fed and cared for.

So, catch-22. I can’t quit my job, so I have to tell Jason. I’ll have to deal with what he says. I can’t do anything else.

My fingers are trembling as I pull my phone out of my pocket. Before I can convince myself otherwise, I pull up a blank message to Jason.

“We need to talk. Can you come around this afternoon?”

I send it and wait. Seconds later, a message returns.

“I’ll be there after work.”

There we are. There’s nothing for it now. I have to tell Jason about the baby and deal with the fallout from there.

I wonder what he’s going to say. And, then, I’m startled to realize that I want him to be happy about this. The thought comes from nowhere, and it alarms me. I look up at myself in the mirror, noting how wide my eyes are.

Happy? I shake my head. Jason and I slept together three times. And, all three of those times, it was just about the sex. There was nothing emotional involved in it.

Unless, of course, I count the fact that he was impossible to resist. And that my utter hatred of him spilled over into uncontrollable passion. And the fact that he’s the one I throw myself at when I’m overwhelmed by everything.

But nothing emotional.


I look down at my phone. Somehow, it doesn’t feel like I’m telling myself the truth. I imagine telling Jason about the baby. I imagine the way a smile lights up his face, as his arms go around me, as he promises to be there for us and to help us…

My stomach drops.

Fuck. When the hell did this happen? Am I…having feelings for Jason?

Well. That’s just the icing on the cake, isn’t it? I drop my head into my hands and groan. I don’t know what’s going on. I need to talk to Jason.

I need to figure out what to do now.

Chapter Twenty-Five


As soon as I receive the message from Opal, my stomach drops. My first thought is that she wants to talk about what happened between us last night.

I know it shouldn’t have happened. I know I should have Copyright 2016 - 2024