Wrecked - By Shiloh Walker Page 0,78

But if you’re nice, I might climb into the shower with you. You don’t look like you can wash your hair without hurting.”

He jabbed her in the ribs. “I’ll have you know I can wash my hair just fine, Abs.”

“Yeah, yeah. I’m sure you can and you’ll hurt and suffer for it.” She leaned back and brushed his hair back from his face. “Let me help, Zach.”

Dark blue eyes met hers and he groaned, dropped his head to rest his brow on hers. “You help just by existing, Abby. But you’re killing my ego here.”

She snorted. “Your ego is just fine. Besides, you got jumped by two thugs and you kicked ass.”

“The chair helped. The idiot tripped and the chair helped break his fall.” Then he stroked a finger down her back. “I guess I wouldn’t mind seeing you all wet and naked. Might get me in a better frame of mind for when I call my folks and tell them what happened.”

“Hmm. And you better get that done before they find out some other way.”

* * *

“I’m coming out there.”

Zach winced and said, “Now, Mom . . . you don’t need to do that.”

“You had to go to the hospital, you’re hurt, and I’m coming out there,” she said, her voice flat. “You live alone and you need somebody there to help you.”

“I . . . ah . . .” He flashed Abby a look and without batting an eyelash, threw her to the wolves. “Well, I got somebody. Abby is staying with me.”

There was a pause. One of those heavy, lingering pauses that seemed to carry the weight of the world. Abby stood in front of him, her hands propped on her hips and her brows arched as she studied him. He mouthed out, Sorry.

She started to tap her foot.

“Abby . . .”

“Yeah, Mom.” He started to shrug and then swore as it sent pain crashing through him.

Through the roar of blood in his ears, he only barely heard his mom’s voice and since he was struggling to catch his breath, he went ahead and listened and turned the phone over to Abby.

A few seconds went by before he could focus past the pain to hear the conversation.

“Yeah, Denise . . . I’m here with him. Honestly, other than being battered, I think he’s fine.” She watched him with a questioning stare and he grimaced, pressed a hand to his side as he made his way over to the kitchen counter. The amber bottle of pain meds beckoned and he blew out a breath, deciding to go ahead and just get it over with. One pill. He’d take it, pass out, and hopefully when he woke up, the worst of it would be done.

As he opened the bottle, he heard Abby’s heels clicking on the floor and by the time he had a pill in his hand, she’d slid a Coke in front of him. He gave her a tired grin in thanks and popped the evil little pill in his mouth, washing it down.

“Uh-huh,” Abby said, still talking to his mom. “Hmmm . . . yeah. I can handle him, I swear. I’ve been doing it a long time. I promise I’ll call if he gets to be too much of an ass.”

A few seconds later, the phone was back in his hand and he caught Abby’s waist, tucking her up against him before she could pull away. “So can you sleep tonight, trusting I’ll be okay?” he asked.

“No,” Denise replied. “You smart-ass. Because I’m going to try and figure out what in the hell drove you to open that shop where you did. I’m going to worry about what would have happened if you weren’t used to fighting two idiot kids at once—we should thank your brothers for that crash course they’ve been giving you all this time—and I’m going to worry about every other thing that could have gone wrong.”

“Hey, in the end, things could have been worse,” he said. “I’m here and I’m fine.”

“Yes. You’re here. You’re fine. And you’re with Abby . . .” There was a smile in her voice, one that he heard loud and clear, but he wasn’t going to unravel that mess just then. “So. I’ll stop worrying some. Now. Have you taken the pain medicine?”

“I just did. I got a few minutes before I start getting completely stupid with it.”

“Okay. Get off the phone then. And Zach? Make sure you’re not being . . . stupid about other

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