Wrecked - By Shiloh Walker Page 0,77

four and held her hand out. “The doctor ordered that dosage so here . . . you’ve also got some narcotics downstairs.”

“No, thanks,” he muttered, swiping the orange pills out of her hand. “That stuff makes me loopy.”

“Hmmm. Trust me, I’m well aware.” She filled the little glass from the side of the sink with water and held it out to him.

Once he’d taken the pills, she stood in front of him, eyeing him critically for a long, long moment. Then she moved in and slid her hands down his ribs, carefully, her palms ghosting over his flesh.

“Abby, I . . .”

“Shhh . . .” She slid her hands inside his boxers and tugged them down. His cock swelled in response and when she brushed the back of her hand against him, he groaned. “I don’t know if I’m up to this, sugar.”

“Oh, really?” She grinned at him and closed her hand around his cock, stroked up, then down. “You feel pretty up to me. But . . . don’t worry. I think we should take it easy for now.”

He almost whimpered just then, because as sore as he was, when she went down to her knees in front of him, every damned thing in him responded.

A faint smile tugged her lips and she shot him a look. “See? You’re more than up for what I’ve got planned,” she murmured, leaning and placing a hot, openmouthed kiss to the head of his cock.

He caught her hair in his fist when she lingered and slid her mouth down, then back. “You . . .” He closed his eyes and rested his hips against the counter of the sink. “I think I can only handle about five or ten minutes of this in my condition.”

She rolled her eyes up to meet his, and the wicked glint in her eyes just might have sent him to his knees. He didn’t think he could get back up if he went to the floor, though. Swearing, he braced one hand against the cool marble of the counter and fisted his free hand in her hair, tangling the crazy curls around his fist and shuddering as she sucked him deeper, taking him so far back he felt the head of his cock bump against the back of her throat.

She did it again and again, and for a few minutes, Zach forgot about the aches in his body, forgot about anything and everything but the slick glide of her mouth over his cock and the silk of her hair fisted in his hand.

Her fingers stroked up over his thigh and he hissed out a breath as she closed her fingers around the sac of his balls, gripped him tight.

Her teeth scraped over the sensitive underside of his cock and then, as she took him back inside, so fucking deep, she hummed a little, and he thought the top of his head was going to come off as he started to come. He rocked forward to meet her, muttering and panting under his breath as he reached out with his other hand to hold her steady.

She moved with him, her mouth hot, sweet, and wet. It was pure, sheer bliss and for those few minutes, the pain he felt faded away and all that mattered was her. Her, and that amazing mouth, her tongue curling over the head of his cock before sucking him deeper, harder. Her fingers, tormenting him as she gripped his balls.

As pleasure streaked through him, building higher and higher, he cupped her head in his hands and surged forward, holding rigid, legs locked as the climax tore through him. All the way through.

* * *

Abigale licked her lips and wiped the back of her hand over her mouth as she stood up, kicking his boxers out of the way. “You know . . . all I’d really planned on doing was helping you get out of your boxers,” she teased. “I figured you’d have trouble moving much with your ribs and all.”

He gave her a heavy-lidded look and cupped her face in his hand, stroking a thumb over her lower lip.

“You a little less cranky now?” she asked, sliding her arms around his waist.

He caught her around the waist and she went, easing her body against his, careful not to press against him as he tucked his chin against her shoulder. “I don’t know.” He kissed her neck and then asked, “If I say no, will you do it again?”

She laughed a little. “No.

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