Wrecked - By Shiloh Walker Page 0,51

couldn’t have her running. But it was a ragged refrain in his head. I love you . . . always you.

“Zach . . .” Her voice, shaky and hoarse, danced through the air and the sweet glove of her sex tightened around him, the tension in her body ratcheting up until she was rocking back and forth against him almost frantically. He gritted his teeth and stroked his hand down her belly, sliding his fingers through the curls between her thighs.

The hard knot of her clit all but pulsed against his fingers and he pressed against her lightly, smiling as her cry bounced off the walls in the bathroom. “Fast?” He settled on the rhythm that had pushed her over the edge earlier. “Is that how you like it?”

But her eyes had already gone glassy and she didn’t even seem to hear him.

She moved faster, working herself up and down, the movements short and shallow, but it didn’t seem to matter.

He groaned as she started to come, vising down around him and coming with a cry that sounded like glory.

He wasn’t far behind.

* * *

There were some mornings that were just made for lazing in bed, for that slow glide from sleep into wakefulness—and this was one of them. Stretching, Abigale rolled to her belly as her body tried to urge her brain back to sleep, back to dreams.

And wow. Had there been dreams.

Zach . . .


She turned her head and cracked one eye open.

The view of the mountains greeted her. Mountains weren’t an unfamiliar sight for her to wake up to, but these weren’t the mountains she was used to. Staggering, soaring peaks and evergreens, the sky so blue it hurt to look at it . . . all in all, completely beautiful. And nothing like the beauty of the desert back home.


Swallowing, she sat up and stared out the window.

She was in Flagstaff. With Zach.

Glancing down, she found herself staring at her naked body and then she groaned, covering her face with her hands. She was naked. In Flagstaff. With Zach.

And that meant last night had really happened. Really. She’d slept with Zach. She’d . . . How did she describe last night? The word sex seemed inadequate. She felt like he’d turned her inside out, shattered her, and then completely remade her.

Need to calm down, she told herself. She needed to do it, and do it now before he walked in and saw her freaking out.

Slowly, she took a deep breath and when she did, she became aware of something . . . enticing. Bacon. Coffee. And despite the nerves twisting through her, a smile tugged up the corners of her lips. He was making her breakfast. She hoped there wasn’t a repeat of the last time.

Her belly rumbled demandingly and she got to her feet, looking around for something to put on. Her clothes had been in a tangled mess across the floor last night. She remembered leaving them that way on her way in here with Zach. Now they were tossed in a small wicker hamper over by the door. Shoving her hair back from her face, she moved over to the closet and tugged it open. Their bags were still sitting in there but at some point, Zach had unpacked a little. Industrious man. He had a sweatshirt hanging up and a few of her shirts. Her blouses were all short-sleeved and it was chilly in the cabin. She grabbed the sweatshirt.

Just as she pulled it on over her head, Zach appeared in the doorway with a tray. A wide grin flashed across his face as he said, “Oh, come on now . . . I made you breakfast in bed. The least you could do was stay naked for me.”

“Breakfast in bed?” She glanced down at her naked feet on the gleaming hardwood floors and then back up at him. “I’m not in bed now.”

“Smart-ass.” He came farther into the room and settled the tray on the smooth, wide surface of the bedside table before he came and caught her in his arms. His mouth covered hers even as she tried to turn her head.

“I need to brush my teeth,” she mumbled against his lips.

“And I need to kiss you.” Which he did . . . thoroughly. By the time he had lifted his head, she was panting for breath and her legs were about ready to fold underneath her.

She curled her hands into the faded material of his t-shirt and rested her

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