Wrecked - By Shiloh Walker Page 0,50


She glanced over her shoulder at him, but he was already looking down at her hip. She moved forward a step and braced one hand on the edge of the sink, turning her head to see it better.

All she could see was a glimpse of black ink and skin. It wasn’t as swollen as it had been so that was good, she figured.

“How does it look?” she asked as he trailed his fingers along the slope of her hip.

“It looks good.” His fingers flexed and he stroked another hand down over her hip. Before he could let go, though, she reached back and caught his wrist.

“The night you gave me this, I saw you looking at me,” she whispered. “We . . .” She stopped and cleared her throat. “Were you thinking . . .”

He slid a hand up and tangled a fist in her hair, holding her steady as he moved in. One leg came between hers, nudging them farther apart. “I saw you looking at me, too.” He dipped his head and pressed his lips to her shoulder as he cuddled his cock against her rump. “Yes . . . I was thinking about this. I can’t look at you without wanting you, Abby. I’ve wanted you for too long.”

The words slid over her like a caress and she wondered just how that was possible. Why hadn’t she seen it? And then she couldn’t think about anything except how much she wanted him. How much she needed him. One hand trailed up her back, then back down and she whimpered as he butted his hips against her once more. Whimpering low in her throat, she lifted her eyes and stared at him in the mirror.

Dark brown hair fell in his face, half shielding his gaze from her, but she saw the blue of his eyes glittering at her.

“Stay there.”

He moved away from her and without his hands on her hips to steady her, without his strength there, she had a hard time staying upright. Locking her knees, she lowered her head and sucked in a desperate breath of air. Blood roared in her ears and her heart thudded so hard, it was a miracle it didn’t leap out of her chest.

Although he didn’t make a sound, she knew when he was back in the bathroom. Jerking her head up, she watched in the mirror as he came to stand behind her. She heard a foil packet rip and her knees started to go weak. Images of that day in his shop flashed through her mind and she sucked in another breath.

Moments later, she felt him nudging against her gate, hard and slick, separated by the thin shield of the latex condom he wore. She rather hated that barrier, needed to feel him, just him. But then he was pressing inside and she forgot about everything but the wonderful feel of him stretching her, and the gravelly sound of his groan as he buried himself inside her.

* * *

Hands spread low on her spine, Zach rocked against her, alternating his view between staring where they joined and looking up to watch Abby’s face in the mirror.

The edge of hunger rode him hard, but it wasn’t so brutal this time, wasn’t so breath-stealing. He could take it just a little slower and he intended to draw it out, make it last as long as he could.

Although it already felt like a fist was gripping his balls, fire licking down his spine as she clenched tight around him and shuddered.

Her damp hair fell around her shoulders and back in crazy spirals and he reached up, catching a fistful of it as he moved closer. He drew her body upright, the depths of his thrusts slowing down so that he was barely rocking inside her now. And it was still incredible bliss.

Staring at her in the mirror, his arm banded around her waist, the colors of his tattooed arm vivid against her pale skin, he held her gaze in the mirror as he circled his hips against hers. “Look at us, Abby. See how we fit?”

She nodded slowly, reaching back up with her arm and twining it around his neck. It arched her breasts out and forced her hips down more firmly against him and a ragged, breathless snarl tore out of him as he continued to watch them.

Words rose inside his throat, words he had to fight back for now. Not yet. Not until he thought she might be ready. He

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