Wrecked - By Shiloh Walker Page 0,31

felt, really.

But what in the hell is going on? You were going to think things through and now—

Stop it. The calm, rational part of her mind got a little louder. But it just wasn’t enough and before she even realized it, she blurted out, “What in the hell just happened?”

Zach’s lips touched the back of her neck. “Well, I’m no expert, but I think you kissed me,” he said, his voice teasing. “And I’m pretty sure we both enjoyed it. But maybe we should try again.”

And then she found herself on her back, staring up into a pair of dark blue eyes that she knew very, very well. They’d always seemed to glint with mischief, or trouble . . . but she’d never realized just how much they glinted with that kind of trouble.

Not until now.

As his mouth came down on hers again, Abby barely had time to catch her breath. Then she was wondering why she’d even bothered. He stole the oxygen right out of her with his kiss. His tongue stroked along hers, moving into her mouth with an easy assurance that belied his words.

I’m no expert.

Oh, yes. Yes, he was.

She whimpered as he took the kiss deeper.

The hand on her belly caught the material of her skirt, dragging it upward and although panic crowded inside her head, there was nothing in her that could make herself pull away. Nothing that would make her say stop.

He’d do it. There was no doubt in her mind.

The problem was she didn’t want him to stop.

As his fingers flirted with the waistband of her panties, Zach lifted his mouth from hers and whispered, his breath dancing over her swollen, sensitive lips, “Abby . . . ?”

She knew what he was asking. He was giving her a chance to call a halt to this. A halt to this crazy, insane . . . what was this thing?

Swallowing, she forced herself to open her eyes and stare at him. “What’s going on, Zach?”

He sighed and instead of slipping his hand inside her panties, he smoothed a palm over her thigh. He lowered his head, resting it on her breasts. “That’s the twenty-thousand-dollar question, I guess, isn’t it?”

She felt the puff of air against her sensitive skin and groaned as her nipples responded, tightening as though he’d been nibbling on them instead of just talking to her. This was insane.

Completely insane.

She’d just had the climax of her life . . . with Zach. And both of them were still fully clothed. They hadn’t had sex. They’d only barely been making out and she’d come harder than she could ever remember coming in her life.


And all she wanted to do was strip herself naked, make him do the same so they could see just how far they could ride this insanity.

“We should stop.” Her body shrieked at the very idea of it. So did just about every other part of her. Hell, even her mind wasn’t getting on board with the idea of stopping. She closed her eyes. “Shouldn’t we?”

He rubbed his cheek against her skin. “Is that what you want?”

No. Terror locked the word in her throat. Yes, she’d been the one to kiss him and yes, she wanted more, so much more. Lately, the things she seemed to want from Zach terrified her. But he was her best friend. There was nobody she loved more than him, nobody who meant more. He was . . . everything.

What if she lost that?

The weight of his head left her breast and she opened her eyes to find him watching her, with his measured, steady gaze. “Abs . . .” He stroked a hand along her cheek, cupped her face in his palm.

Licking her lips, she nudged him back. “Let me up a minute.”

Something flashed through his eyes. It might have been disappointment, she thought. But she was afraid to think about it too long.

As he eased away, she shifted away from him and climbed off the bed to pace. “I’d say something like this is crazy. Except I kissed you so it’s not like this came out of nowhere.” She shoved her hair back from her face.

“Are you trying to tell me you wish you hadn’t kissed me?”

She shot him a look and then wished she hadn’t.


How in the hell hadn’t she noticed this before . . .

He sat with his back pressed against her headboard. The walls of her bedroom were pale green and the headboard was white. The boards were reclaimed wood and

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