Wrecked - By Shiloh Walker Page 0,30

. . he had Abby on his lap and she had those lush, wonderful legs wrapped around him.

Fisting one hand in the tangle of her skirt, he dragged it higher, forcing the layers of material up out of the way until he could rest his palm on bare skin. The fabric brushed against the back of his burnt hand and pain slashed through him, but it faded in comparison to everything else.

Her arms wrapped around his neck as he slid his hand back behind her hips, nudging her closer. Closer . . .

Fuck . . . right there—

A broken moan escaped her as she tore her mouth away, her head falling forward to slump on his shoulder. Her nails bit into his shoulders, tension rocketing through her body as she started to rock against him and through her panties, through his jeans, he felt the heat of her.

Using his grip on her curls, he tugged her head back and pressed his lips to the hollow at the base of her neck. At the same time, he held her hips steady and started to move her, battling back the urge to come up off the damn stool and spread her out on the bar next to him.

No. Not the bar. Not enough room there.

The floor . . . nah. The table. Room there. Lots of it. He could undo the tie on her skirt, like he was unwrapping a present. Strip away her tank . . .

He settled for guiding her hips back and forth across the painfully hard ridge of his cock, listening to her broken gasps. When he heard her whisper his name, her voice a little dazed, he almost lost it. Damn near came in his jeans like a teenager.

Her hands came up, dipping into his hair as he used his chin to nudge the strap of her tank out of the way, nuzzling and nibbling his way down the smooth, pale flesh. The swell of her breasts was right there . . . so fucking close.

Maybe he could—

Her body tightened.

Her knees tightened around his hips and she arched, her body a lovely, sweet bow. “Zach . . . ?”

Turning his head, he caught the lobe of her ear between his teeth and bit down. “Come for me, damn it.” Too many years spent wanting her and now, everything he wanted, everything he needed was right here. “Come for me, Abby . . .”

* * *

Those husky words sent her flying higher than she’d ever been.

Unable to breathe, unable to see, caught in the circle of his arms and the heat of his body, Abby experienced a climax that all but devastated her. The oxygen seemed to disappear from the world. And it took the light with it. For long, long minutes, she was blind, deaf to anything and everything.

And then, as rational thought started to intrude, she forced her eyes to open.

They were moving.

Or rather, Zach was.

The hot rush of blood leaped to her cheeks as those stupid rational thoughts started to intrude, but she couldn’t very well spring away from him and get herself under control because he was carrying her.

“If you try to jump away from me, you’re going to hurt us,” Zach said quietly, pressing a kiss to her temple. “Walking up the stairs and having panic attacks aren’t very good combinations.”

Her tongue seemed to glue itself to the roof of her mouth, but she managed to get the words out. “Why . . .” Okay. She got one word out. Clearing her throat, she tried again. “Why are we going upstairs?”

“Because I want to sit down and hold you for a little while without you taking off and locking yourself in your room. I figured I’d just lock myself in there with you.”

Her brain shut down.

Locked in her room.

With Zach.

That sounded so very appealing.

And it felt even better, she had to admit a few minutes later as he laid her down and tucked himself up behind her, one arm wrapped around her waist, his palm flat against her belly. The heat of him spread through her body, lulling her, calming her, seducing her.

Too perfect for words, she decided.

She could handle this, she thought. As long as she didn’t think. As long as she didn’t—

Watch out, her brain warned her. You’re starting to think.

Desperately, she closed her eyes and tried to clear her mind. Focus on him. Just him. He feels nice, right?

Oh, yes. He felt better than nice. Better than anything she’d ever

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