World of Warcraft: The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm Page 0,102

to be warm and salty. Tears. He was weeping, openly, and for a moment Aborius allowed Thrall to feel the element’s own empathy for him.

He sobbed, unashamed, knowing that what he felt was good and true. Tears were part of the gift that loving Taretha Foxton had given him, as had been so poignantly revealed to him last night. Even more than wanting to liberate his people from the camps, even more than wanting them to have a land where they would be safe and happy, Thrall realized that he wanted the world in which he had been born to be whole. Only then would the other things follow. Only when Azeroth had recovered from this strange, angry hurting that was causing it to shake and quiver and weep, only then could the Horde, or, indeed, the Alliance, truly grow and thrive. This was why he had felt called to come to Outland. This was why he had left the Horde behind, the Horde he had loved and helped create. It truly had been the only choice.

He got to his feet, shaking, dragging an arm across his eyes, and turned to the final Fury.

Gordawg was perhaps the most imposing of the Furies, even more so than the fiery Incineratus. The Fury of Earth was like a mountain come to life, and as Thrall approached, the earth beneath him trembled.

Gordawg seemed to take no notice of Thrall, instead striding away from him as the orc hastened to follow. Thrall reached out imploringly with his thoughts. Finally Gordawg came to a halt so abruptly that Thrall almost ran into him.

Massively, slowly, he turned and gazed down at the orc, so small in comparison.

What you wish of Gordawg?

I come from a land called Azeroth. The elemental spirits there are troubled. They voice their pain in wildfires, floods, earthquakes.

Gordawg peered down at him, his glowing eyes narrowing.

Why so pained?

I do not know, Fury. I ask them, but their replies are chaotic. All I know is that they suffer. Your fellow Furies have been unable to help me solve this mystery so that I can aid the elements of Azeroth.

Gordawg nodded, as if he had been expecting this.

Gordawg want to help. But other land far away. Cannot help without knowing land.

Thrall was not surprised. It was the same reason the other Furies had given for being unable to help: it was not their world, and they did not know it.

A thought came to him. Gordawg, there is a portal between Azeroth and what remains of Draenor. Once, it was closed so that the destruction of Draenor would not pass to my world. Now, the illness of my world could pass to yours, if I do not stop it. Can you do nothing to help me? And in helping me, perhaps protect Outland?

Gordawg hears what you say. Gordawg understands the need. And yet Gordawg says again—of this world, Gordawg knows. The great being knelt, scooped up a handful of earth, and popped it into his maw before Thrall’s startled gaze. I taste. I can tell where this earth has been, what its secrets are.

Thrall’s eyes widened as an idea came to him. Could it be so simple?

He always carried with him a small transportable altar—a feather to represent Air, a small chalice for Water, flint and tinder for Fire …

… and a small rock for Earth. Now he fumbled in his pouch with fingers gone shaky with hope and fear commingled. Finally his hand emerged, holding the small rock in his palm.

It was an actual piece of an element of Azeroth; the other items—flint and tinder, a chalice, a feather—were only symbols. But this was the element it represented.

Gordawg … here is a stone from my world. If you can glean anything from it, I ask you, please tell me.

Gordawg stared. The rock was small. He bent over, extending his giant hand, and Thrall dropped the stone into it.

Not much for Gordawg to taste, he grumbled. But Gordawg try. Gordawg wish to help.

The stone was but a tiny speck on his hand, and Thrall watched it vanish into the massive gullet. He glanced over at Aggra, who spread her hands and shrugged. She was as confused as he.

Suddenly Gordawg growled. Not the way of the earth. Not right. Angry, frightened stone here. Something has made it so!

Thrall listened, barely breathing.

Something that was once right, but now is wrong. Was of the world, but now is unnatural and dark. Was wounded, once, but now is healed in Copyright 2016 - 2024