World of Warcraft: The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm Page 0,101

more than you can possibly comprehend that I cannot aid you. Without some essence of Fire from this place, how can I speak with the fires that burn there? How can I know why they suffer and leap in torment, shaman? It is your land, your observations. I feel your passion for your cause, and I grant you my own—the passion to do whatever is necessary so that your world may heal. More, I cannot do.

A small flicker detached itself and dove down Thrall’s throat. He cried out, feeling it burn as it settled into him and seemed to wrap around his heart. It scorched, painfully, but he knew this was no actual, literal flame. He clapped a hand to his chest, over his heart, and fell forward, leaning on his other hand.

Aggra was there, her touch cool and comforting on his shoulder. “Go’el, did he harm you?”

Thrall shook his head. The pain was receding. “No,” he said. “Not … not physically.”

Her eyes searched his, then she regarded Incineratus. The great Elemental Fury was already moving off, having dismissed Thrall. She reached in her bag for a flask of water, but he placed a hand on her arm and shook his head.

“No,” he rasped. “Incineratus … gifted me with the fire of passion, to do what I need to do.”

Slowly Aggra nodded. “As you learned last night, that fire burns within you already. But this is a great gift indeed. Very few have felt the brush of Incineratus’s fire.”

He knew by what she did not say that she herself had not been so honored. He felt compelled to add, “I do not think the gift was for me. It was for the elements in Azeroth, that I might be better able to help them.”

“I have asked for such, to help the kindlings here,” she said quietly. “I was not deemed worthy.”

He grasped her hand. “You are skilled, Aggra. And it could be that the fire that burns within you already is enough.”

Startled, she lifted her eyes to his. He expected her to tug her hand away and make a sharp retort. Instead, Aggra let her hand remain in his, brown fingers entwined with green, for a long moment before squeezing gently and moving away.

“There are two more,” she said, once again controlled and brusque in her demeanor. “While you have a great gift, perhaps Gordawg and Aborius will be able to help you more than Incineratus and Kalandrios could. Give you a little clarity on what you saw, perhaps. I find myself that sometimes their mysteries irritate more than they enlighten.”

He was surprised at her irreverence but found himself forced to agree with it. Sometimes Fire and Air were both a little bit flighty.

The metaphysical fire had died down to an ember in his heart now, but he could still feel it. He moved on to Aborius, moving in a circle around the Throne of the Elements, and knelt before the Fury of Water.

She turned around at once. Thrall had not even mentally voiced his plea before he felt the patter of a gentle spray of water across his upturned face. He licked his lips; it was sweet and clean, the freshest water he had ever tasted.

Go’el, your pain and confusion are as my own. Many come here with concerns, but few feel them as strongly as you do. Would that I could aid you, in this world that houses the droplets that are of me and yet not of me. Your heart is already afire with the passion to help, to heal. To put right a world sorely troubled. I cannot give you such a gift as Incineratus did, but I will tell you, do not be ashamed of your feelings. Water shall give you the balance you seek; it shall replenish and restore. Do not be afraid of anything you feel in this journey to save your world. Neither be afraid of the wound within your own soul, which you must heal.

Thrall was confused. I? I have no wound, great Fury, save the pain at the torment my world is in.

He felt a brush of compassionate humor. One faces one’s burdens when one is ready, not before. But I say again unto you, Go’el, son of Durotan, son of Garad—when the time comes that you are ready to heal your wound, do not be afraid to dive deep.

Water was running down his face now. Again Thrall opened his mouth to taste the sweet liquid, but instead found it Copyright 2016 - 2024