Work Me Good - Ali Parker Page 0,33

By the time we went home, I felt like Jace was in much better spirits. A little playdate worked wonders for both of us. I wasn’t going to take Joss’s advice and go chase down a man. That was just not an option I was willing to consider. I was going to look into one of those mentor programs. I would find a way to get a man in his life on my terms.

Chapter 14


I flipped through the pages one by one, reading every single line item. I didn’t get rich by not paying attention. I noticed everything. I had to. One mistake could disrupt all of my plans. My door was halfway open. I felt like the teacher keeping an eye on the students. I wanted to make sure they were staying focused on the work. I knew they hated me. I didn’t care.

“Sir,” I heard a voice say.

I looked up to find the receptionist in my doorway. “Yes?”

“I have a gentleman here that asked to see you?”

“I don’t have anything on my calendar,” I said.

She looked uncomfortable. “It’s a walk-in.”

“I don’t take walk-ins. Set up an appointment.”

A man stepped in behind her. “I’m sorry, Mr. Aarons. I was downstairs meeting with a supplier and thought I would stop by and check the place out.”

“Check the place out?” I asked. “I’m sorry, but I’m a busy man. I have an appointment in an hour. You’ll need to schedule a meeting.”

“I don’t think you understand,” he said. His face was turning red. “I’m a very busy man as well. I was told I could stop by and check out the operation. I didn’t realize it was such an inconvenience.”

“I don’t know you. I don’t know who would tell you to stop by, but this is a place of business. It’s not a museum. We don’t give out tours.”

His face turned bright red. “Is this how you treat all of your clients?”

“Are you a client? Our clients generally make appointments. We’re a busy firm. We can’t just let clients dictate our time.”

“You know what, you’re right,” he said. “You are obviously far too busy for my business. I would hate to inconvenience you. I’ll take my business elsewhere. I’m so sorry I bothered you.”

“Hal,” I heard Saige say. “I’m so glad you stopped by!”

The man turned to look at her. “Don’t bother,” he grumbled. “Clearly, you’re too busy.”

“No, no,” she assured him. “I didn’t know you were here. I’d love to show you around.”

“But that man…” he said and looked at me.

Saige shot me a dirty look. “Will not be working on your account, I assure you. I invited you and I forgot to mention it to Mr. Aarons. Let’s go to my office first.”

She managed to get the man out of my office. I didn’t miss the angry look she shot me over her shoulder. I didn’t know who the guy was. I didn’t care. It was rude to show up and expect special favors.

I went back to looking over the spreadsheets. I wasn’t thrilled with what I was seeing. I hoped my changes would have been a bit more effective. I would have to give it some more time. It would get better. It had to. I refused to accept the idea I didn’t know what I was doing.

I was knee-deep in the numbers game when my door opened. I felt the whoosh of air. I was going to fire the receptionist. She sucked at her job and needed to be retrained or replaced. “What now?” I said without looking up.

The door shut. “What now?” Saige snapped. “We need to have a talk.”

“I’m not a child,” I said.

“Then stop acting like one.”

I inhaled through my nose and stared at her. “I’m busy. Very busy. I didn’t have time to give your little pet project the two-cent tour. I don’t have time for your lecture either. Make an appointment and we’ll sit down and go over expectations. I have a few things to go over with you as well. I’ll get something on the books for tomorrow afternoon.”

She crossed her arms over her chest and gave me the dirtiest look. “I’m not interested in waiting.”

“I’m busy,” I hissed. “Busy trying to figure out why this place isn’t turning around. It should be better. Have you seen the numbers? Have you noticed there are less returns being filed?”

“This is why we are going to talk right now.”

To argue would be futile. I had learned that Saige was not the typical employee. Copyright 2016 - 2024