Work Me Good - Ali Parker Page 0,177

last words to me when he left. I convinced myself he would not be hurt. I was certain he would be relieved. I even felt a little guilty for getting pregnant.”

“Why would you feel guilty?”

“Because I was supposed to be on the pill. I got so busy at work, I forgot to take it a few days. Apparently, that’s all it took to get me knocked up.”

She laughed. “He’s a virile man.”

“Yeah, he is.”

“Better make sure you’re staying up on that birth control this time,” she teased.

“Trust me, I’m not missing a single dose.”

“Do you want me to watch Jace so you can talk to him? I think this is a conversation you want to have without him within earshot.”

“I’m going to give him some space. Like you said, he has to get through the shock.”

“Are you hoping he will just go away?”

I grimaced. “Um, kind of.”

“I guess if he does choose to walk away from this, then you don’t have to worry about the fallout.”

“Deep down, I don’t think he will walk away,” I said. “From what I’ve learned about him in the last few weeks, he’s not the same guy he was back then.”

“None of us are the same person we were nine years ago.”

“I know,” I said. “I just feel like I’m making all the wrong decisions. This last year has been hard on Jace. Last night, I just kept thinking it was me that made the choice to allow him to be miserable. I could have changed his life by simply telling him he had a father.”

“Again, I think this has been a learning experience for him,” she said with a smile. “Look how confident he is now. Caitlyn thinks he walks on water.”

“That’s so cute,” I said. “I do love the change in him. I just have to keep him from becoming a little Mike Tyson. I will ground him if he dares punch anyone else.”

“I think he has a big soft heart. He’s not a scrappy kid, but it’s a good thing he can stand up for himself. That deserves respect.”

“You’re making me feel guilty,” I told her.

“I’m not trying to.”

“Give me your honest opinion,” I said. “Do I invite him into Jace’s life with no restrictions?”

“Do you think he’ll want it?”

“I don’t know. I’m leaning toward yes, but I’m also concerned that it’s yes right now until the next shiny thing comes along.”

She nodded. “I get that. It is scary but you’ll be there. What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.”

I rolled my eyes. “I hate that saying.”

She laughed. “Sorry, but you’ve already been through a lot and you’re still kicking ass. This is just another challenge.”

“Full disclosure,” I said. “I’m hiding.”

“You’re not doing a very good job of it,” she said dryly.

“I mean, I’m hiding here because I don’t want to be at home. I don’t want him to come by when Jace is there.”

“Ah, hiding. I see. I feel used.”

“Sorry, but you’re the only friend I have, so I have to be here. The park isn’t safe. I can’t take him to McDonald’s. He doesn’t know where you live.”

“I feel privileged to be your only choice.”

We talked a bit more before I decided I had been hiding long enough. Nash had not called or texted. I didn’t need to hide. He wasn’t going to try and reach out. “Thanks for the wakeup call,” I said as we were leaving.

“You’re welcome. Good luck. Let me know if you need me to watch him.”

“I will, but I have a feeling this is over before it started.”

“Why do you say that?” she asked.

“He hasn’t tried to contact me. I think maybe I was right. He realized this was not the life he wanted. I have to be okay with that.”

“What about the job thing?” she asked.

“I put it on a back burner. I’ll be pulling it to the front. It’s time to get that backup plan dusted off.”

“You’ll do fine,” she said.

“I have to,” I said and waved as we walked to the car. I got Jace buckled in and started for home. I decided to run through a drive thru and picked up some tacos. When we got home, we scarfed them down.

“Is Nash coming over today?” Jace asked.

“No,” I answered.


“I don’t think so,” I said. “He’s got a lot of work to do.”

“He said we could go fishing again,” he pouted.

“Yes, and I’m sure he will take you, but it’s not going to be this weekend.”

“Fine,” he pouted. “I’m going to watch Copyright 2016 - 2024