Work Me Good - Ali Parker Page 0,171

never came by,” I said.

“I didn’t think you’d be up for a quickie in the office with employees hovering at the door.”

“You’re right, but you’re here now.”

He pushed me away from him. A moment later, he was spinning me around. Once again, I assumed the position. I bent forward with my bottom half completely bare.

“I’ll never get tired of seeing this view,” he said as he stroked a hand down my back and over my ass. It was a gentle touch that sent shivers racing up and down my spine.

I turned to look over my shoulder at him. “You’re welcome to look.”

His hand slipped between my thighs and cupped my pussy. “You’re wet, Saige.”

“I’ve been this way for a while now. I’m waiting for you.”

He slipped his finger inside me, probing and playing with me until I was gasping for air. “You ready?” he growled.

“Yes,” I moaned. “Please.”

I felt him moving behind me while hearing the rip of the foil packet he had miraculously produced. A moment later, I felt his thickness pushing against me. I leaned forward, adjusting my hips and opening my legs for him. He slowly pushed inside me with one hand on my back and his other hand gripping my hip.

“This is so good,” he rasped. “I want this again.”

“Yes,” I said. “More.”

He moved deeper inside me and thrust again and again. My thighs slammed against the desk. I pushed back at the same time he thrust. I cried out and slapped my hand against the desk. The pleasure was overwhelming. My body erupted around him, my hips gyrating as I took him deeper.

When the grasp of the orgasm finally released me, I collapsed forward on the desk with him still buried inside my body. “You are so fucking hot,” he said. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but you are every man’s porn fantasy.”

I tried to laugh but it was a little difficult when my body was still spasming around his. “You’re saying I’m as good as a porn star?”

“I’ve never had a porn star but being with you is a fantasy come to life. I like that you’re unafraid to let go. You don’t hold back. You don’t try to be quiet or downplay how good you feel. It is a major turn-on.”

“I think life is too short to pretend I don’t like it. I love it.”

He started to move again. His hands held my hips as he thrust hard and fast. I enjoyed the ride. He groaned before I felt him explode inside me. His fingertips dug into my flesh as his body jerked against mine. I pushed myself off the desk and stood. His arms wrapped around me and his mouth opened against my neck. I reached back and held his head as his hands roamed up my body and fondled my breasts.

He sighed and kissed my cheek. “I sure as hell feel better,” he said with a laugh.

“Me too.”

He stepped away from me. I turned to face him, watching as he disposed of the condom and buttoned up his pants. He left his shirt untucked. When he was finished, he looked up and caught me looking. “You stay like that and I’m going to bend you right back over that desk.”

I laughed and grabbed my skirt from the floor. I opened my desk drawer where I had stashed my panties and shimmied into them. I pulled on my skirt and quickly zipped it up.

“Is Jace staying over with Joss tonight?” he asked.

“No. I have to pick him up.”

He nodded. “How has his week been?”

“Good. I had a meeting with his principal at the beginning of the week. Jace has not had any more problems. In fact, he told me the teachers had noticed a change in Jace. They said he’s been much happier and interacting in class and with the other students.”

“As opposed to?”

“Being withdrawn and going out of his way to be alone.”

He winced. “That is good, but damn, I hate that he had to live like that.”

“Me too. I’m just glad he seems to be coming through it. I want him to be happy. I hate to say this, but you were right. That little boost of confidence seems to have done him a lot of good.”

“I remember being that age. It was tough. It was even tougher for me because I wasn’t this big, athletic kid. I didn’t really hit my stride until high school. By then, everyone already saw me as an easy target. It took some Copyright 2016 - 2024