Work Me Good - Ali Parker Page 0,170

I didn’t ask you to come over?”

I shrugged. “I’d be sitting in my office and filtering through the stack of garbage on my desk.”

“Do you have plans for tonight?”

I shook my head. “Contrary to popular belief, I don’t party every night. I rarely go out. I prefer to stay in and avoid crowds.”

“I can see that. It’s different when you’re in your twenties.”

“I’m glad our paths crossed again,” I said.

She smiled. “Me too.”

“Did you ever think you would see me again?” I asked. It was part of my line of questioning to get to the truth about Jace. I was hoping to catch her in a lie that I could latch onto and chase down the rabbit hole.

“I didn’t,” she answered.

I nodded as I digested the information. If she didn’t think she was going to see me again, she might have thought I would never see Jace. There was another avenue I could try to use to get her to tell me the truth.

I rose from my chair and wiped my hands. “You’re looking a little stiff,” I said.

She looked up at me and smiled. “I am feeling a little stiff.”

“Good. Let me ease it for you.”

I shrugged off my suit jacket and draped it over the chair before moving behind her and beginning to massage her shoulders. She rolled her head forward. “That feels amazing.”

“I think I’m going to have to hire you a masseuse,” I told her. “I can’t drop everything and come over here to rub your neck whenever you’re a little stiff.”

“But what if your massages aren’t the only thing I’m angling for?” she teased.

“I know you aren’t talking about using me for sex,” I said.

“I don’t think it’s really considered using you,” she corrected. “I mean, you get some enjoyment out of it too.”

“I suppose I do.”

She turned her chair to face me. “You didn’t miss me at all this week?”

I touched her cheek. “I did.”

“I thought you’d come by the office. I even wore sexy panties on Wednesday. You never showed.”

“Are you wearing sexy panties now?”

A slow smile spread over her face. “No.”

“Bummer. Granny panties?”

She slowly shook her head. “Nope.”

“Okay, just plain boring panties.”

She flashed a sexy grin. “Wrong again.”

“I don’t—” I sucked in a breath when I realized what she was saying.

She laughed. “There you go.”

My pants damn near busted a seam with the erection that sprang to life. “You are dangerous.”

“I’ve been waiting for you.”

I leaned down and kissed her.

Chapter 68


I had truly been craving his kiss for days. I hated the time between seeing him. It wasn’t like I could call him and invite him for a quickie at the office. I didn’t really have the time during the week with Jace at home. I wasn’t brave enough to sneak Nash in after Jace went to bed. I was too worried he would wake up and find us together. I wasn’t trying to scar the poor kid.

I moaned and wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close. His mouth pulled away from mine. “I’m going to break the chair,” he said and pulled me up.

I touched his jaw with the five o’clock shadow just starting to bloom. I liked the rough look on him. “I like this,” I told him and rubbed my hand over his jaw. “I get to pretend I’m taking a walk on the wild side with a bad boy.”

“I can be a very bad boy,” he teased. “Let me show you.”

He unzipped my skirt and shoved it down my legs. I gasped when he grabbed my bare ass and squeezed. “Dammit, why didn’t you call me earlier?” he growled. “I would have been over here in a flash if I knew this was happening.”

I laughed. “I didn’t go commando all day. This was solely for your benefit.”

“I think I like that better,” he whispered. “Damn, I wish there was a bed or even a couch in here.”

“Me too, but I think people might have some questions if I put a bed in here.”

He kissed me again, fueling the passion between us. I reached down and grabbed his dick, feeling the power and further exciting myself. I attacked his belt and fly with a sudden sense of urgency. Now that I had him in my hands, I was suddenly very anxious to have him inside me. A week of waiting had left me feeling more than a little anxious.

“Damn,” he groaned when my hand tightened around his cock. “I have thought about this all week.”

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