Wolf's Hunger (Mafia Monsters #5) - Atlas Rose Page 0,62

a soundless movement, Vitold’s beast slowly lifted his head, those midnight eyes blinked, fixed on me. He was making sure I was alive…making sure I was safe, then in one powerful move, he pushed upwards, standing slowly on shaking limbs.

“You, look at me,” I commanded the gray bastard as I stepped forward, giving him my full attention. “Not him…me.”

The rogue Wolf bared his teeth and shifted his focus as I moved faster, clenching my fists…ready to do whatever was necessary. Scrape…thump…scrape…thump…scrape…thump.

I risked a glance to my protector as he dragged himself toward the brown Wolf. The rogue beast was still breathing, the low sickening gasps maing my belly clench. I didn’t need to look a second longer to know what was coming.

When you become part of a pack…there is nothing you will not do to protect those you love.

That reality drove me forward and into the path of our enemy. “You want him?” I growled and lifted my, hands ready to fight. “Then you’re going to have to go through me to do it.”

The gray beast let out a low, threatening sound. One that raised the airs on the back of my neck. But I wasn’t new to this world…and I wasn’t just any damn mortal. I was part of a pack, and as that last, slow scrape…thump at my back turned into deathly silence, I readied myself to fight, not for my life…but for Vitold’s.

The gut-wrenching sounds of tearing flesh came behind me and the nauseating smell of fresh blood wafted through the air a second later. Gurgling gasps followed, and I stepped toward the gray beast, giving my protector time to do what he did best.

“I warned you,” I whispered. “I warned you what would happen when they found me. You should’ve listened. You should’ve understood.”

The rogue Wolf shifted his focus behind me.

“A-ah…” I eased my weight onto my back foot, ready to lunge and fight with fists and rage.

But the rogue Wolf moved fast, lunging from a standstill to a terrifying monster in full flight. Darkness settled over me before it was gone once more. Vitold was a blur, a gruesome…barbaric blur. He hit the rogue Wolf mid-flight, all teeth and claws, crunching and thrashing where he could.

I could only stand there while both beasts rolled around on the ground in front of me, kicking up dirt and grass before a spray of blood shot high in the air.

Shrill sounds followed, yelping and howling, the sounds so loud they made me wince. The gray beast scurried backwards, blood spurting from an open gash across his neck. But Vitold never gave him an out, taking one deep breath before he pounced once more.

Tires squealed in the distance…and grew louder. But the fight was over for the rogue pack…and as Vitold limped forward and sniffed the air over the dying beast, I caught the flash of headlights in the corner of my eye.

A low growl, and Vitold swung his focus toward three unmarked cars as they skidded to a stop at the other side of the park. My heart was hammering, punching against my ribs as I took a stepped toward him. “Vitold.”

Hard breaths ravaged his body. He shifted that focus to me and in the depths of those midnight eyes I saw longing and need, until he looked back at the dying Wolf once more.

I rushed to him, even as shouts from agents filled the air. My fingers sank into wet, matted fur and into the deep gouges on his shoulders before I wrenched my hand back. “You’re really hurt,” I whispered. “Tell me what to do.”

He swung that massive head, piercing me with the silver shine of his eyes. His wet nose swept across the base of my neck as he drew in my scent. Footsteps thundered in the distance. Commands barked.

“Take me—” I started before he drew away, stepping backwards, his gaze locked on mine…as he sank into the shadows.

“Chase!” My warden barked. “Stop right there!”

I wasn’t going anywhere, not in this second as my protector slowly disappeared amongst the thick, dark foliage on the other side of the park.

“Take me with you,” I whispered as tears slid down my cheeks.

“Where the fuck did you think you were going?” the asshole agent barked.

A cruel grip on my arm wrenched me around. I thought I heard a snarl of warning, thought I heard my Wolf in my head as I spun and came face to face with the undercover agent assigned to protect me.

“What? What do you

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