WolfeStrike (De Wolfe Pack Generations #2) - Kathryn Le Veque Page 0,79

a bed but nothing else,” she said. “No food, no fire. She told me those things would come later, but they never did. When I tried to leave the chamber, I discovered that it had been locked. I also discovered one of the shutters had been locked, the one overlooking the yew tree so I could not climb down it and escape. I was forced to make a rope from bed linens to escape, but I ended up falling into the pigsty. That is why I am covered with mud. Had I not tried to escape, I would still be shut up like a prisoner in this chamber and no one would ever know. I suspect that when it would come time to feast tonight, Barbara would tell you that I had decided not to attend.”

Tor looked straight at Barbara. “Did you do this?” he asked, incredulous. “Did you truly shame me so badly in front of Lady Isalyn?”

Barbara was beginning to tremble. “It was an accident, Tor, I swear to you!”

“Nay, it was not.”

The voice came from the stairs. Isabella was coming up the steps, having heard Tor’s voice and Isalyn’s subsequent explanation of what had happened. She had been downstairs in her chamber when she had heard the commotion and followed the voices. She looked right at Barbara as she spoke.

“It was not an accident,” she said. “Barbara, I know that you and your sister are capable of such things because I have seen it. I know that you are responsible for Heather d’Umfraville losing teeth when she slipped on oil you put on the ground, and I know you tried to kill Lord Lanchester’s daughter by pushing her down the stairs. There have been others, for I saw them myself when we were fostering at Castle Questing. Anyone who looked at Tor in a manner you did not like fell victim to your treachery. Therefore, I knew you were going to try to do something to Lady Isalyn and that is why I escorted her up here to her chamber. What I did not count on is you locking her in. Admit it was no accident, Barbara, please. You and Lenore have been doing this kind of thing for years and we all know it.”

Lenore burst into tears and Barbara just stood there and trembled. “Isabella,” she gasped. “I thought you were my friend. How can you say such things?”

“Because it is true,” Isabella insisted. “You and your sister are terrifying and wicked, and I have no idea why Tor allows you to do such things. You have hurt so many people and, still, he does nothing. Come with me, Isalyn. You are staying in my chamber tonight. At least I am willing to protect you.”

It was a firm rebuke, an insult directly at Tor. Reaching out, she grasped Isalyn by the muddy hand, pulling her back down the stairs. But Isalyn was looking at Tor, who was watching her go with great sorrow.

Great, great sorrow.


“She could have been killed falling out of that window,” Gilbert said. “Although I do not fault you for Steffan’s death, my daughter’s would be quite another matter. The House of de Wolfe seems to want us all dead.”

An hour after Isalyn’s plunge from the apartment window, Gilbert was in the great hall, furious at what had happened. He was speaking to Tor, but there were others there – Fraser, Christian, Ronan, and Blayth, all of them listening to Gilbert rage about what had happened.

Not that anyone blamed him.

Tor least of all.

Because Gilbert was standing, he was standing. He faced the man’s anger head-on because he deserved it. Whatever happened at his castle was his responsibility, and Barbara and Lenore’s wickedness reflected on him directly. But that was something he’d always known about.

It had been hard for him to admit.

But today, he had to face it.

Oh, he knew the family called the pair The Vipers. He’d known that for years, ever since the bloom of womanhood had come upon them. But something else had come upon them, something jealous and possessive and dark. Tor knew it but he’d tried to be sympathetic. He’d tried to be understanding. No one had actually seen them commit the crimes they’d been accused of and that was why he wouldn’t punish them, but the truth was even deeper than that. Jane’s memory was preventing him from lifting a hand to them. He didn’t want to hurt Jane and he knew that if he punished her

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