WolfeStrike (De Wolfe Pack Generations #2) - Kathryn Le Veque Page 0,78

blinked. “I-I do.”

Isalyn stood aside. “Get into that apartment block. Do it now.”

Barbara had never been spoken to that way before by another woman. Not ever. She was used to being in charge and in control but, at the moment, she had lost both. Isalyn had the power and Barbara was moving to do her bidding out of sheer shock.

“My lady,” she said calmly. “If you would tell me what this is about, mayhap I can…”

“Shut your lips!” Isalyn snapped. “You are not speaking. You are doing as you are told. Where are your keys?”

Barbara licked her lips nervously. “With me, my lady.”

“Were they ever out of your possession?”

“Nay, my lady.”

“Then get into that apartment building before I drag you over there by the hair.”

Barbara’s mouth opened in outrage and she looked at Christian, standing behind Isalyn. But Christian had a stony expression, certainly not one of support, and Barbara was starting to feel cornered. Without another word, she tucked her head down and began to move, very quickly, from the hall. Lenore scurried after her, with Isalyn following closely.

Christian brought up the rear.

It made for a very odd parade across the inner bailey as the sun set. They were nearing the stone building just as Tor emerged from the keep, seeing the four of them at a distance and wondering what was going on.

Curious, he began to follow.

But Isalyn didn’t see him. She was focused on Barbara and Lenore, up ahead, as they entered the apartment block. She came in right after them, directing them up the stairs to her chamber. Slowly, the pair made it up the stairs with Isalyn and Christian behind them. Once they reached the door, however, Barbara came to a halt.

“My lady, if you would only stop shouting and tell me what this is about, mayhap there is a logical explanation,” she said. “Surely this is all a great misunderstanding.”

Isalyn wasn’t having any of it. She folded her muddy arms over her chest. “You told me that you have the only key to this chamber, correct?”

“Correct, my lady.”

“And no one else has had the key.”

“Nay, my lady.”

“Then it stands to reason if this door is locked, you did it.”

“I have no reason to do such a thing, my lady.”

“Pull out your keys and unlock this door.”

Barbara sighed heavily. Reaching out, she simply lifted the latch and the door opened wide.

“You see?” she said. “The door is not locked, my lady.”

Isalyn was not appeased in any way. “Then give me your keys.”

Barbara looked at her curiously. “Why?”

Isalyn held out her hand. “Give me your keys,” she said. “I want you to give me your keys, go inside the chamber, and shut the door. If the door is not locked from the inside, then I will apologize profusely.”

Barbara drew in a long, deep breath. She was about to refuse but she caught sight of someone on the stairs behind Christian. Everyone turned to see Tor standing on the top step behind Christian, silently observing the situation.

But he was looking straight at Barbara.

“Do as you are told,” he said in a low, rumbling voice. “Give her the keys and go inside and shut the door.”

Lenore gasped, looking at her sister fearfully. Barbara hesitated a moment before fumbling on her belt and pulling forth a chain that contained a ring of many keys. She unclipped the chain and handed it over to Isalyn before stepping inside the chamber and shutting the door.

“Open it,” Tor said loudly.

Barbara could only rattle the latch because the door was, indeed, locked from the inside. Tor pushed between Christian and Isalyn, lifting the latch and shoving the door open.

“This is warded lock,” he said. “It can be locked from either side, either to keep someone in the chamber or to keep someone out of it. But in order to be locked from the inside, it must be deliberately set.”

“It must have been an accident,” Barbara pleaded as her composure began to fracture. “The servants and I cleaned the room thoroughly, so somehow, the lock must have been set.”

Tor sighed heavily as he looked at her, but he didn’t reply. He looked to Isalyn, standing there muddy and cold.

“Would you be so kind as to tell me what happened, my lady?” he asked softly.

Isalyn’s point had already been proven as far as she was concerned, so she didn’t need to gloat. But she wanted Tor to know how rotten his chatelaines had been to her.

“Barbara brought me to this chamber and left me with

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