The Wolf Prince - By Karen Whiddon Page 0,82

pushed her onto the bed. Panting, she lay on her back, gazing up at him. His expression was cruel as he tore her dress, yanked down his trousers and climbed on top of her.

Thrilled, she clawed at him. Her last coherent thought as he pushed himself into her ready body was that she’d finally found The One. They were two of a kind.

Later, pleasantly sore, she gazed up at Chad as he adjusted his clothing. His handsome features were austere, as though they hadn’t just shared a savagely brutal sexual encounter.

She stretched, grinning. “I get to be the one in charge next time,” she said.

He blinked, gazing down at her as though he had no idea what she meant. “Next time?”

Unable to resist boasting, she pushed up on her elbows, well aware that her enormous breasts were on full display. The better to tempt him. “Honey, with me there’s always a next time. Unless I don’t wish it, that is.”

Chad scowled but didn’t respond. She couldn’t help but smile. He’d already proved he was powerless to resist her.

* * *

Watching Willow reunite with the father she’d never known brought mixed emotions. Poignant, true, but Ruben also felt a sense of loss. She’d found what she’d unknowingly been seeking, while he...had failed on all levels. So far. He refused to admit defeat yet.

He finally understood the dual nature of his task. Yes, he had to find the murderer and bring him to justice. But he also needed to find a way to heal his fractured psyche, to learn to coexist with the wolf inside him. If he did not, he knew he’d either go completely mad or he’d die.

One thing he did know for certain. He wasn’t going to find anything he sought here. And while he’d let himself hope that Willow would be part of his journey, now that she’d reconnected with her past, he wouldn’t blame her if she wanted to stay here.

He wished he knew what she wanted. She hadn’t shared this with him. She took visible delight in her new family, and their apparent acceptance of her was like balm on her troubled soul. He hadn’t seen much of her the last few days and the fact that she’d been willing to walk with him both relieved and worried him.

She’d changed in many small, subtle ways. He felt as if she were slipping away from him. Not that she’d ever been his to begin with, but he was no longer certain she’d even go back to SouthWard with him and the others.

No matter. The sense of urgency had returned full force. A killer had yet to be caught. Restless, Ruben knew he’d soon have to be moving on. Tatiana, Eric and Chad had made no secret of their readiness to return home.

Willow, however, was less easy to read. Either way, it was time for him to leave. With or without her. He only wished the thought of leaving her behind didn’t feel like his heart had been ripped from his chest.

So he bided his time and let her enjoy her new family. He roamed the palace, waiting. The few times he had encountered Willow, she had seemed like a ghost, clearly no longer interested in anything but her newfound family.

Finally, he’d had enough. By his reckoning, nearly a week had gone by. Time wasted that he could have been spending hunting the murderer. Eric, Tatiana and Chad also kept to themselves, so he didn’t even have them to discuss this with.

He knew he could wait no longer. When he did see Willow again, it was by chance. Returning from yet another solitary stroll in the woods, he’d made up his mind to seek out the others, learn what they wanted to do, before finding King Drem and informing him of his plans to leave.

Willow was first on his list.

As if his thoughts had summoned her, he saw her hurrying down the path toward the meadow. She carried a small bouquet of flowers. How beautiful she looked, as though the mist and rain agreed with her, her dusky skin glowing with health.

“Willow,” he shouted. She turned and waved, the joyous expression on her face warming his heart as she hurried over.

“I’ve missed you,” she said, hugging him. Chest aching, he hugged her back, before setting her apart. Cocking his head, he studied her.

Though she colored prettily, she continued to hold his gaze. “It’s been so long since I’ve seen you,” she finally said, breathless.

He nodded, momentarily unable to Copyright 2016 - 2024