The Wolf Prince - By Karen Whiddon Page 0,81

me what?”

He sighed. “I wondered if you knew. I was forbidden to contact you, as long as you remained in your land. King Puck said he would wage war on NorthWard if I tried to see you or get in touch with you in any way. So I did not.”

Her knees almost buckled. Now at last, she understood everything. She felt a rush of anger toward the woman who’d raised her. All these years. Teased by her classmates and her sister, gossiped about by her own people and shunned by the man she’d believed to be her father. All the while wondering why.

And now she knew.

Something of her thoughts must have shown in her face. Leaning forward in his massive black chair, King Drem studied her. “You didn’t know?” he asked quietly.

Still gripping Ruben’s hand, she took a step closer, bringing him with her. “No. I suspected, when I first met you. But then why were we bound and made to wear hoods? We were brought to you, then. Did you not order this?”

He smiled, looking anything but regretful. “I did not. My closest advisor took it upon himself to do this, as a gift to me.”

“I don’t understand...”

“Years ago, when I located a portal that led to your lands, I’ve routinely sent men to check on you and report back to me. This time, you and your friends were riding so close to the portal that he couldn’t resist. You were bound and hooded so he could bring you through, without giving away the location.”

So she’d been right.

“Do you not worry about my parents’ retribution for this?”

Again he smiled. “I don’t think they’ll be so eager to pursue that now. As far as they will know, unless you tell them differently, you came to me.”

She nodded, agreeing silently. “So you did send the hawk—” Horrified at what she’d almost revealed, she bit back the rest of her words.

But the king looked pleased. “You’ve inherited my gift then, daughter. I too can communicate with wild things.”

Stunned, she felt tears well up in her eyes. Not only had he called her daughter, but they shared the same abilities. She couldn’t believe she was no longer an outcast, no longer alone.

“Come here,” King Drem ordered, opening his arms wide. “Come here, my child, my girl.”

Letting go of Ruben’s hand, she walked into her father’s arms.

* * *

As she watched from the back of the room, Tatiana took care to remain hidden. She’d found one of the drab dresses favored by the Shadows and hidden her bright golden hair under a hood. With this disguise in place, she’d not only managed to avoid Eric and Chad, but move around the palace unnoticed.

Jealousy gnawed at her as she saw the way the human prince supported her younger sister. Here, Willow was no longer an oddity. Among her own people, she was not ugly but beautiful. Here, she fit right in.

For the first time in Tatiana’s life, she was made to feel outcast, undesirable and alone. For this she hated Willow, but when she saw the Shadow king take her sister in his arms and proclaim her daughter to his entire court, she almost lost control. Digging her nails into her palms, she clamped her mouth shut to keep from screaming. She wanted to rush forward, rip Willow out of King Drem’s embrace and fling her across the room.

“Do I detect a bit of rage in the set of your jaw?” Chad drawled from beside her.

She almost snapped at him for startling her. Instead, she gulped in a deep breath of air and, when she was certain she had her emotions under control, turned to him.

“How did you recognize me?”

His leering smile widened. “Such beauty shines beyond any disguise.”

“A compliment?” She didn’t even smile. “Tell me, what are you doing here?” Though her tone was silky, she let him hear hints of her anger. “I thought you were with your brother, being fawned over by admiring women.”

“Tsk, tsk. Jealousy and anger do not become you.”

“I believe this is an emotion you’re familiar with,” she said smugly. “You despise Eric as much as I loathe Willow.”

He grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the room. Stumbling after him, she allowed him to pull her down the hallway. Her heart racing, her blood pounded.

No one stopped them.

Chad shoved open a door and yanked her in after him. Thoroughly aroused, she went willingly, though she feigned a token protest. Chad kicked the door shut behind him and Copyright 2016 - 2024