The Wolf Prince - By Karen Whiddon Page 0,73

and pulled him close, murmuring something too low for the rest of them to hear.

When Eric moved away, Chad once again wore his familiar bored expression. “What do you want to do?” he asked Ruben, only the ice glittering in his brilliant purple eyes giving him away.

Deliberately Ruben smiled. “I agree with Tatiana. Let’s ride for the first castle we see.”

Without waiting for their replies, he strode over to their horses and located his mount. After checking to make sure the saddle was still cinched tightly, he untied the gelding and swung his leg up over the animal’s broad back.

Next to him, Willow did the same. He sensed her curiosity, the tentative desire to at least meet those people whom she was said to resemble.

To his surprise, Tatiana was the next to come forward. She untied her horse and mounted with the same easy grace that seemed part of her nature. “Are you coming?” she asked the two EastWard brothers.

Eric looked from Chad to Tatiana and back again. “I still don’t understand how we ended up in Shadow Territory,” he groused. “The boundaries are definitely not within one or two days’ riding distance. Even though they attacked us and knocked us out, there’s no way one man had enough magic to transport us. This never should have happened.”

“Unless he, whoever he might be, has stronger magic than any we’ve ever known. Or more than one Shadow was involved,” Chad drawled. “That has to be the case.”

“I would have sensed it.” Of course Tatiana dismissed his statement, even though it was the only realistic solution. “We all would have.”

Shifting his weight uneasily, Rubin flashed the other man a flat smile. Chad remained stone-faced. Neither he nor Eric had budged.

Finally, Ruben shrugged. “Fine. Stay here or come with us. Either way, we’re riding out.”

Ruben turned his horse and began to ride off. Willow was at his side and Tatiana right behind them. He kept an eye on the other men, glancing over his shoulder, to make sure they didn’t try any tricks.

Finally, the two brothers moved. Side by side, they retrieved their horses and climbed aboard, keeping to a fair distance behind the others. Tatiana glanced back, then slowed her horse so they could catch up with her. She maneuvered into a position in between them, smiling prettily.

“Is that true?” Ruben asked Willow. “Can you sense when magic is being used?”

“Most times, yes.” She glanced warily at the others when she answered. “However, we know nothing about the parameters of Shadows and their magic. It might be completely different for them.”

She’d barely finished speaking when they heard a loud clap, like thunder. They all glanced up at the misty gray sky.

When they looked back down, they found they’d been surrounded by armed guards on horseback, and judging from the hostile expression they wore, they weren’t friendly.

Eric raised his chin and opened his mouth, no doubt to spew some sort of haughty orders. Exchanging a quick look with Ruben, Chad nudged his mount sideways into Eric, knocking him off balance and effectively silencing him.

While Eric was momentarily distracted, Ruben spoke for the group. “What have we done?”

“You’ve trespassed on royal land,” the apparent leader said. “We’re here to escort you to see the king.”

“We didn’t trespass willingly,” Ruben told them. “Someone attacked us, knocked us out and when we came to, we found ourselves here.”

If the leader believed them, he gave no sign. “We will ride with you until we reach the castle,” he said.

Then, herding Ruben’s little band like sheep, they moved out.

Chapter 15

A good half hour passed while they rode in silence, the horses’ hoof beats on the moist earth the only sound.

Ruben and Willow kept close, almost within touching distance, while the other three rode behind them. Surrounded on all four sides by the armed guards, they couldn’t have made a break if they wanted to.

And, though he had no magic to speak of, Ruben did have his gut instinct. Right now, his gut was telling him that whatever was about to happen would be a good thing for Willow, possibly not so great for the others.

“I have no desire to interact with Shadows,” Eric intoned imperiously.

“They probably have no desire to interact with you either,” Tatiana said, surprising Ruben. Glancing back, he saw from the speculative expression Chad wore that she’d surprised him, as well. Even Willow cracked a half smile.

“Are you ready to meet some Shadows?’ Ruben asked Willow.

No, she wasn’t, he could tell by the flicker of Copyright 2016 - 2024