The Wolf Prince - By Karen Whiddon Page 0,72

demand you show yourselves immediately.”

“Demand?” A bodiless voice spoke.

Again that feeling of electrical current arcing through the air. A quick glance at the others showed they felt it, too.

“Magic,” Willow mouthed, looking apprehensive. The other three Brights appeared focused, as though by concentrating they could pinpoint the source.

A small man, his hair and skin the color of midnight, materialized in front of them. With his dark twinkling eyes and boisterous energy, he appeared both young and old. As they stared at him, his countenance changed from wizened to youthful and back again.

“Welcome,” he said, sounding anything but hospitable.

Ruben and Willow exchanged a glance. “Where are we?” Ruben asked, keeping his tone respectful just in case.

“You have reached the Land of the Shadows,” the little man intoned, his entire body beginning to shimmer in a way that reminded Ruben of the moment before shape-shifting. Sparkles of light danced in the breeze. “We brought you here. There is one in whom we have much interest.”

“Who?” Eric demanded, the expression on his face showing he was positive it was him. “Which of us is the one and why?”

The glimmers of color grew brighter, so bright that it hurt to gaze upon them and Ruben had to look away. When he looked back, the man had vanished.

Everyone stood still, stunned speechless.

Eric cleared his throat, about to speak again. Chad shook his head, stopping him, before looking at Ruben and then Willow.

“Now what?” he asked sullenly. “This was your expedition. Somehow, you’ve managed to land us in the middle of enemy territory.”

Ruben didn’t bother to point out that the other men were supposed to have been his guides. “According to that man, we were brought here. I can only assume by magic. Since we’re here, does anyone have any suggestions?” he asked carefully.

Expression shuttered, Chad shook his head. Eric appeared to be considering his question. “Whoever captured us brought us here, tied and hooded. That was a poor use of magical ability. Then they released us and sent someone to make sure we understand where we are. For what purpose? What do they hope to gain?”

“Maybe they want to help us find Ruben’s killer,” Chad put in nastily. “Any Bright who sought refuge here would stick out like a sore thumb.” He gave Willow a pointed look to underscore his point.

“Like I did at home?” Willow asked, sounding amused rather than hurt. “If you’re going to insult me, Chad, you’d better try a more direct approach.”

When Chad opened his mouth to reply, Ruben stepped in. “We don’t have time for squabbling. I’m sure they had their reasons, even if we don’t know what they are.”

“I think I know,” Willow grimaced. “I think they didn’t want us to see the location of their portal.”

“Portal? You mean like the magical doorway you used to get to my world?”

She nodded. “Exactly. Because the Shadow lands are nowhere near my family’s. The only way they could get us here this quickly has to be with a portal.”

“Thus the hoods and the bonds,” Eric finished. “At least now all of this makes sense.”

“Except for one thing.” Chad glanced from Willow to Ruben, his expression pensive. “We still don’t know why.”

“I have a feeling we’re about to find out,” Ruben told him. “We’ve got to get moving. At least they left us our horses. That’s something.”

“Yes, but it’d be even better if we knew the way back to the portal. It’s a long ride home without it,” Willow put in.

Chad made a rude snort. “I’m sure you can find it. You seem to have a knack for such things.”

Tatiana, who until now had been uncharacteristically silent, yawned. “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I think we need to ride for the nearest castle. Royalty carries privileges.”

“Not with Shadows,” Chad said.

“How do you know?” Tatiana rounded on him. “Have you ever dealt with them before?”

“No,” he admitted.

“I didn’t think so,” she rushed on, before he could ask if she had. “Royals don’t turn away other royals. I’m heir to SouthWard and he is heir of EastWard,” she said, jerking her head to indicate Eric. “That ought to count for something.”

“Maybe in your world,” Chad began.

Tatiana silenced him with a regal wave and a harsh glare. “You, like my sister, are not directly in line for the throne. Since you aren’t an heir, you know nothing.”

As Chad’s expression darkened, Eric finally moved to intervene. Apparently worried there would be an all-out war, he clapped his hand on his brother’s shoulder Copyright 2016 - 2024