Witless (Lonely Souls #3) - Autumn Reed Page 0,34

not need him and Leo?

Maybe not. But I sure as fuck wanted them, and want was just as important as need. It was about my heart’s desire, and what could be more important than that?

I placed my hand over Tristin’s on my thigh. “I’m glad you changed your mind. I can’t stomach the thought of life without you in it, either.”

“Does that mean you want to be with me?”

Confused, I opened my mouth to ask him what he meant. But he stopped me with his next words.

“What happened earlier doesn’t have to mean a commitment. You don’t have to choose me. You can go back to being Leo’s girlfriend, and I would be happy for both of you. You’re good together, and let’s be honest, your life would be simpler that way.”

Oh, Tristin. Why was he always so self-sacrificing?

Planting a hand on his shoulder, I lifted myself enough to place a kiss on the edge of his mouth. “Simpler doesn’t mean better, Tin. I choose you.”

The spot that I’d kissed a moment before rose, and when I forced my gaze up to his eyes, the smile reached them as well. “Thank you.”

A throat cleared from the doorway, and I turned my head to find Leo standing there, grinning. “Am I interrupting?”

“Yes,” Tristin and I answered at the same time.

“Perfect.” Leo waltzed into the room and peeked over his brother’s shoulder. “What are you looking at?”

I’d forgotten the sketch pad was still open in Tristin’s lap. “Nothing important.”

“I don’t know. Looks important to me.” He leaned down farther. “Holy shit. That’s you, bro, if you were some kind of modernized Greek statue.”

Not a bad interpretation. I must not have lost my touch.

Leo plopped on the bed next to Tristin. “Are there any of me?”

“There might be.”

He took the book and began flipping through it. “Damn, Thea. These are fantastic. I didn’t know you were this…”

“What?” I asked dryly. “Decent?”

“No. I didn’t know you were this insanely talented. I mean, seriously.” He glanced up from one I’d sketched from memory after our date at Friday Harbor. It was from my vantage in the kayak, looking back at him with the sunset reflecting in the water. “Why haven’t you shown me these before?”

I shrugged, though I knew exactly why. “My drawings have only ever been for me.”

“That’s too bad. You should be sharing them with the world. And, if not the world, at least your subjects,” he added as he stared down at the lionesque drawing of him in his football uniform.

“Maybe,” I conceded.

Wasn’t art meant to be shared? I couldn’t keep hiding my work away forever. I had to be brave sometime. And, as it had been since we were children, Leo made me want to be brave.

“You seemed to enjoy teaching Maria the other day,” Tristin said. “Do you think you might want to volunteer with me at the youth center sometimes? You could help with crafts and other art projects.”

I thought about how at ease I’d felt with the little girl once we began drawing together. Giving her tips and watching the outcome had been surprisingly fun. “I’d like that.”

He smiled, and I wondered if I’d ever get used to the sight. I rather hoped not. “Good.”

Leo held up the lionesque drawing. “We’re going to need to get this framed.”

“Why don’t we get them all framed,” Tristin suggested. “This place could use some personalization.”

I snatched the sketch pad out of Leo’s hands. “Not all of them.” I carefully tore out the drawing of Leo and then Tristin and then Hayle. “But we can frame these.”

Right now, the one of Hayle made me sad. Still, I had hope that it wouldn’t always be that way. That he wouldn’t always have a head stuffed full of straw when it came to his father.

Chapter Sixteen


“I need your help with something.”

Petra dragged her gaze away from the football players warming up on the field. “Oh? Is it finally time for your extreme makeover?”

I glanced down at my wide-legged jeans, single sneaker, and “like the game, love the player” hoodie. Personally, I thought I looked pretty cute, apart from my cast. “Why? Do I need an extreme makeover?”

“Well, no, but you could stand to wear a little makeup now and then.” She studied me with narrowed eyes. “Actually, scratch that. You don’t even need mascara, damn you. I kind of hate you for that.”

“Right. Anyway, I was hoping you would go Christmas shopping with me. It’s only a couple of weeks away, and with finals

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