Witless (Lonely Souls #3) - Autumn Reed Page 0,35

coming up, I’m running out of time to find something for my boyfriends.”

“Of course, I’ll help. You know I love spending other people’s money, and—” Her bright green eyes widened. “Wait. Did you say boyfriends? As in, plural?”


Petra smacked me on the arm. “Way to bury the lead, bitch. What the hell happened after I dropped you off yesterday afternoon?”

So, so much.

“Most of it’s not important.” At least, for her purposes. “But Tristin was being really sweet, and then Leo showed up, and I just blurted out that I couldn’t be with either of them if I couldn’t be with both.”

Her jaw dropped, giving me a good look at the inside of her mouth. “Oh my god. I can’t believe you finally did it. What did they say?”

“They said that I should be with both of them, then. Apparently, they’d already discussed it and were waiting for the right time to bring it up.”

She shook her head, her eyes still way too wide. “I can’t believe it. I mean, I can—I called it ages ago. But I never thought you’d actually go through with it.”

“Me either.”

“So, that’s it? You just all agreed, and that was the end of the conversation?”

“Not exactly.” The memories of their demonstration of how well they could share hadn’t been far from my thoughts, but my skin still flushed when I thought about it.

“Oh my god,” Petra whisper-hissed. “You’re blushing. What else happened?”

“Nothing much.” Lies. So many lies.

“I don’t believe you.” She leaned in until her mouth was almost against my ear. “Please tell me you did something pornographic.”

I snorted. “No.” Honestly, the whole event had been rather tame, all things considered. But that hadn’t stopped it from being hot as hell.

“Should I be jealous?”

At the sound of Tristin’s deep voice from my other side, I jumped, and Petra leaned over me to grin at him. “I tried to convince Thea to go gay for me, but why would she choose one of me over two of you? Or, close enough.”

He raised his eyebrows and turned his attention on me. “Guess good news travels fast.”

I wanted to bury my still-blushing face in my hands. But, instead, I merely shrugged. “She might have killed me if anyone else found out before her.”

“Good point. I’d hate to see you die so senselessly.”

“Funny,” Petra said, halfway on my lap as she talked over me. “You do realize this means we have to get to know each other better. All I know about you is that you like to scowl a lot and hide away on boats.”

Tristin slid an arm around my back as though he’d done it a thousand times. “I’m working on both character flaws.”

“Then, tell me something else about you.”

I jabbed her in the side with my elbow. “This is a football game, not an inquisition.”

“Okay. I’ll save it for the party tonight.”

“Oh, no.” Tristin shook his head emphatically. “No parties for me. They never go well.”

“What?” Petra proclaimed. “It’s the last football party of the year. You have to come.”

“We don’t know that,” I interrupted. There was still another playoff game after tonight’s before the championship game. It was possible that Harbor U could make it all the way.

She rolled her eyes at me. “Yeah, we do. Everyone knows we’re going to lose this one. I get that your man is a god and all, but our defense won’t be able to cut it.”

Leo had basically said the same thing, so she had a point. But I was trying to be optimistic, for his sake.

“Will you be upset if I don’t go to the party?” Tristin asked me quietly. “I can force myself, if you need me.”

My heart thumped an extra beat. A sweet Tristin made me all gooey inside. “No, but thank you for the offer. I wouldn’t go either if it wasn’t for Leo.”

“Hey,” Petra said petulantly. “What about me?”

“You always ditch me in the first five minutes.”

“That’s not ditching. It’s called having fun while you stand against the wall.”

“Tomato, tomahto.”

While we waited for the game to start, Petra peppered Tristin with questions. I’d known the answer to some—reading was his favorite hobby, along with spending time outside. He’d been a vegetarian since the age of seven, and he loved flourless chocolate cake. Others, I hadn’t known—his first car had been a vintage Camaro, he’d spent his middle school years wanting to study marine biology, and he’d been binging Game of Thrones ever since his release from juvie.

Considering how rarely he talked about himself,

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