Witch Born - LJ Swallow Page 0,56

me? Or is that what I’m facing?

“Eloise! The magic Dorian could take isn’t the sole reason you were arrested. And don’t look shocked, of course I can read your mind.”

“Yes, the necromancy,” I say flatly. “But I never used that deliberately, as I keep telling people.”

“I know. Your parents’ attempts to corrupt you appear to have failed. Not all the Thornbrook line are traitors against the Confederacy, it would seem.” He closes the files and rests his forearms on the table, hands clasped together. “But the necromancy is a problem.”

I close my eyes in despair. “I told you, I won’t use that again. I don’t want a life locked in prison.”

“But this skill could also help you,” he says.

“How?” I ask opening my eyes again.

“On occasion, we offer students here the chance to work for the Confederacy on a... consultancy basis. These students are creme de la crème, as it were. The most skilled elemental witches, vampires and shifters with superior mental and physical prowess. And hybrids.” His grey eyes study me.

“I’m not a hybrid. I’m a witch.”

“The trinity witch is hybrid. Not as hybrid as Dorian Blackwood—he’s a unique specimen.”


“You want me to work for the Confederacy?” I ask. “I’d consider that. I’d be safe from the Dominion.” Does he mean early release? I dismiss all Ethan’s thoughts about corruption with the selfish idea that I have a way out.

“Excellent. Usually I like to watch potential candidates to ensure their suitability, but due to current circumstances I may need to expedite this offer.”

“Expedite?” I ask.

Sinking back in his chair, Marcus laces his hands behind his head. “How would you feel about proving yourself to the Confederacy—to me, in exchange for release? I fear for your safety if this is what Dorian plans to do to you.”

“Dorian told me he didn’t organise that attack against me.”

“And you believe him?” Marcus arches a brow. “You hate the guy. Why trust a word he says?”

I chew a fingernail, confused because yes, I hate Dorian, but now I see him as a victim of this place too. “There’s nothing I can do against him.”

"Wrong,” Marcus says more firmly and sits forward again. “We have something in common, Eloise. You and I would like Dorian out of existence.”

His words take a while to register. “Dead?”

Marcus steadily watches me. “We tried to kill Dorian a few times, before we managed to capture and bring him here.”

My mouth parts as the rumours of Ravenhold deaths suddenly seem true. Dorian isn’t here for rehabilitation. The Confederacy will kill him.

“You want me to kill Dorian in exchange for my freedom?” I ask.

“Yes. Avenge your uncle’s death. Protect the world from the danger he poses.” Marcus leans forward again. “This is your opportunity to join us and stop the chaos and death that Dorian and the Dominion both plan.”

“I know Dorian is unique, but he’s not unstoppable. He’s at Ravenhold.”

Marcus shakes his head. "The Dominion created a hybrid like him once and could do so again. If the Confederacy fail to eradicate Dorian, what do you think will happen? The Dominion will create more hybrids like him because they have a weapon we can’t fight. If the Confederacy had the capacity, we could create our own vampire hybrid, but only Blackwood magic has that ability. No other witches use blood magic.” He pauses. “Just as few witches can practice necromancy.”

A chill as strong as the air outside runs through me. Is Ravenhold the Confederacy’s answer to delinquency, or a way to capture and manipulate powerful kids?

What happens to those who refuse?

“But I’m not full strength. I couldn’t take Dorian on even if I wanted to. You said yourself that he’s influencing me already.”

“You couldn’t take him on alone, no. But with help, you can.”

“What?” I ask hoarsely.

“Ethan and Zeke. Their powers are returning too, enhanced by you somehow, and as a trio you’d be a force to reckon with.”

His steady gaze remains, the academy counsellor suggesting I kill another student and enlist the help of two friends.

Ethan’s right.

This is why we’re here.

“Why not ask Zeke and Ethan?” I ask.

Marcus bites his bottom lip. “Because once Dorian dies, we’d like to keep him with us.”

“To experiment on his body?” I ask in horror.

“No. To keep him under our control.” He nods. “Which is your role.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Eloise. You’re a necromancer.”

His words spin my head. When Marcus mentioned working for the Confederacy, I knew he meant my necromancy powers, but I hadn’t moved on to think what for. Yes, I’d be

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