Witch Born - LJ Swallow Page 0,55

my apology, you may leave,” he adds, eyes sparkling.

I glare at him speaking as if I’ve had an audience with him.

“Not going to ‘take me on’?” I retort.

He smiles. “Not now. Not until you're ready."

Chapter Thirty-One

The next morning, I walk through the academy with trepidation, aware some I pass watch me more closely than when I arrived. If people distrust me now they discovered I’m the trinity witch, they also realise they can’t touch me without consequences. Three girls already discovered that.

“Eloise.” Kai appears in front of me and clicks his fingers in my face and I ready myself for more questions. “Marcus wants to see you.”

Crap. “Uh. Okay. Now?”

“Yeah. He’s just done with me.” He walks away and calls, “Have fun. He’s in a good mood today—that’ll help.”

I turn in a slow circle in an attempt to get my bearings. Every hallway here looks the same, adding to the nightmare feel of the place, and I’m still lost. Only when I see the exercise yard through the window do I figure out I need to take the left turn towards the professors’ offices.

Marcus is waiting for me outside his room, standing tall, arms tightly crossed over his chest. He’s dressed in the same colour and style suit as usual, when I would’ve expected a counsellor to dress down. Dorian and Zeke’s actions involved me. Am I in trouble too?

I guess I’m about to discover.

Inside, I lower myself into the cushioned chair opposite him and he smiles at me, hands folded on the desk. “How are you finding Ravenhold since we last spoke?”

Again, the weird politeness that makes this sound as if he’s a hotel manager asking a guest if the establishment meets my needs.

“Difficult,” I say. “Confusing.”

“Confusing how?”

“I’m not used to time with people or conflict.”

“Conflict. Yes.” Marcus pulls a file from a drawer. “Yesterday’s events with Zeke and Dorian have greatly concerned me. Both have manifested their powers and that has major implications. The situation will not end well.”

“Do you think Dorian will kill Zeke?” I ask and stare at him for a hint our theory is true.

He flicks through the file, ignoring my question. “As part of my role at Ravenhold, I’m tasked with watching the more dangerous inmates.” I stare blankly. “Such as yourself. Do you also understand how significant your abilities are?”

“What?” I blurt. “I’ve done nothing since the first day and I didn’t mean to hurt Dorian, it’s just—”

Marcus interrupts my babbling. “I’m not interested in that. I’m talking about your powers as the trinity witch.”

“We discussed this. My magic will fade as time passes.”

“Or return like Dorian’s and Zeke’s.”

“But how is that happening?”

Marcus’s lips purse. “Hybrids. We’re learning that our wards don’t last against them.”

Again, I watch for any slight indication he’s lying and that this is deliberate. Nothing.

“I don’t care. I won’t use magic, because I don’t want trouble.”

Marcus sighs and rests his forearms on the table. “Eloise, you will need that magic, otherwise Dorian will kill you.”

I reel at his words. “He wouldn’t,” I whisper as much to myself as Marcus.

“Let me explain. Much of Dorian’s power comes from his Blackwood witch half. Magic energy in his blood fuels the hybrid who the world fears. There’s only a tiny amount of that energy in his blood currently. You, however, have residual magic. You possess powerful witch energy that I have no doubt Dorian will take at any cost. He’s an immoral, ruthless creature who wouldn’t think twice, once he gets the opportunity.”

“You can stop him,” I say weakly.

“Oh, I don’t think we’ll need to. I believe that Zeke and Ethan want to stop Dorian from killing you.” He gives a tight smile. “Not only for selfish reasons—nobody wants Dorian at full strength. If he escapes, he’ll undoubtedly kill a large number of residents in the process, as a demonstration how potent he is. Probably for kicks too.”

I look down at the desk and frown. Would he? Is Dorian playing a clever game with me?

“He would, Eloise. Don’t delude yourself. How many lies has he told you already? How many seductive words and smiles, drawing you in? You see him as an enemy, but he’s fired your desire for him.” He smiles. “The age-old love/hate relationship that affects more than the two of you.”

“He hasn’t.”

Marcus snorts softly. “Dorian has the trinity witch falling under his control. He has his escape.”

Moistening my lips, I try to keep up with Marcus’s words. If they’re scared Dorian might take my blood, why don’t they kill

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