Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,370

down at my calloused hands and frowned. The harsh dirt and grime of the Gardens ruined my manicure. I wanted nothing more than to take a nice bath and soothe my muscles. Short showers and crude amenities were now the bane of my existence.

To my absolute dismay, Becca was already fast asleep in her bed next to the window by the time I settled in for the night. Most nights, I made a point to fall asleep before her to save myself the headache of her loud sleeping habits. Like each night before, my roommate’s loud snores filled the tiny bedroom. I tossed and turned on the sad excuse of a mattress, attempting to find a comfortable position. After a few minutes of shifting, I fell back with a sigh, frustrated that I couldn't even position my pillow in a way to drown out her loud snores. God, I missed my goose feather bed. Destroying it the night Cyler and Maverick kicked me out broke my heart. Yet I simply couldn’t live with myself knowing that their little Walker would have it in my absence.

“Oh Kemper,” Becca moaned in her dreamy state, and I rolled my eyes in annoyance. Lately, her dreams had become more graphic, and I wanted nothing more than to claw out her vocal cords in her sleep.

After an hour of trying to force myself into exhaustion, I got up and unlocked the door to our small, cramped room.

Curfew was no laughing matter. The only time I saw Kemper be ‘stern’ was while telling me that skipping curfew would earn me more chores. Although scrubbing toilets didn't seem appealing, I decided that it was preferable to this. Besides, what more could they take from me? I didn’t have a family, a home, or a fulfilling career. I guess the clothes on my back were still up for grabs, but they’d have to pry them from my cold, dead, fingers.

I made my way down the dark tiled hallway and into the kitchen where I snuck a small slice of Ashleigh’s chocolate cake. I might hate the girl that stole Jacob's heart and gained favor in my brothers’ eyes, but even I couldn’t deny that her baking skills were amazing. I think what made it taste so good was that it reminded me of Mom’s. It tasted like home.

Even though I loved the taste, it would be a cold day in hell when she’d hear that from me. Everyone worshiped her, which is why I avoided the bakery. I didn't want to subject myself to yet another forum for everyone to gush over how wonderful and perfect she was.

I stuck my fork into the moist cake and sighed in contempt before taking a bite. The rich chocolate flavor burst over my tongue. Why, oh why, must it taste so good? I thought, licking the sweet icing from my lips. All the good things in this world gave me hell.

“I wasn’t expecting to see anyone here,” a low bored voice echoed throughout the kitchen, startling me. I turned around and saw Huxley frowning, his bulky frame taking up the entire doorway .

“What are you doing here?” I asked as incriminating chocolate crumbs tumbled from my mouth. I cringed at the state he had caught me in. Instead of answering, Huxley rolled his shoulders back and strolled towards me. He pulled up a metal stool and sat down, grabbing the fork from my fingers and spearing a piece of the cake before answering me.

“I’m on Guard duty tonight. Heard there was cake here and decided to stop by for a bite.” He placed the fork in his mouth, closing his eyes briefly as he savored the rich treat before handing the fork back to me. “The real question is, what are you doing awake and out of your room? You know Kemper doesn't play around when it comes to curfew.”

I sighed dramatically. “Kemper takes everything way too seriously. And if you must know, since being kicked out of my own home, I’ve been forced to room with quite possibly the most obnoxious sleeper in the entire Empire.” Huxley stared at me with one raised eyebrow before rolling his eyes. He was never one to enjoy my theatrics.

“Hux. It’s bad. All she does is moan Kemper’s name in her sleep.”

At that, Hux let out a short burst of laughter, before closing off his expression again. It was like talking to a rock. A big, scary, intimidating rock.

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