Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,369

made me laugh.

“How was he?” Tallis asked before straightening and walking towards me, all while ignoring my chuckles.

I brushed my fingers through my long dark hair. “He’s dramatic, that's for sure. I persuaded him to try it on for size. But I'm sure he’ll brood about it a bit more.” I wrapped my arms around myself as I looked around. Various flames illuminated the camp in a haunting glow.

“You should probably eat before we go. Nikketa doesn’t take kindly to people that ignore her dinner invitation,” Tallis informed me, surveying the area.

“Nikketa seems like the type of woman that’s able to handle a little disappointment. Besides, I’ll be back tomorrow. I can eat then,” I rushed out, praying that he wouldn’t make a big deal of me coming back. I looked around the dirty camp and cursed my impulsiveness. I wanted Cy and Mav to revoke Garden duties, but would spending time here be worth it?

Tallis’ eyes widened in surprise as if the notion of me ever returning was something he hadn’t considered. His lips quirked up as he wiped some of Nikketa's stew off his chin. “So you’ll be back then?”

“That's what I said, isn’t it?” What was it about this Scavenger that annoyed me so? “Gordon said you don’t have a school teacher. What kind of leader doesn’t make sure his people have the opportunity to learn?”

Tallis paused then, all playfulness gone from his expression.

“The kind of leader that worries if his people have enough food. Or the kind that has to fight off infected Walkers, spending the evenings alternating between searching for freshwater and guarding camp.”

I considered his statement for a moment while placing my index finger against my bottom lip. Yes, it was sad. But these days, everyone faced hardships; it was simply the state of the Empire.

“Even the Walker Zones have makeshift schools. Round up your children. I’ll come by for an hour or so a day in the evenings.”

Tallis broke out in bright laughter that made goosebumps flash dance across my sweaty neck. His serious expression morphed into mischievous joy.

“Your ego is both concerning and inspiring,” he choked out through bursts of chuckles. “You want to mold the minds of my people? Fine. But you have things to learn, too.”

I took large strides towards the Walker Dorms. Annoyance thrashing beneath the surface of my cool, indifferent expression.

“What could someone like you possibly have to teach me?” I asked over my shoulder. Tallis grabbed my wrist and pulled me close. The movement whipped me out of my forward momentum, forcing me to fall into his strong arms.

“There is much I could teach you,” he said in a tone that suggested he meant more than Scavenger lessons. His white eyebrow arched playfully, and I took in his amused expression which appeared bright against the dark forest. We stood so close that I could make out the intricate scarring on his naked torso. I felt his hot breath on my cheek.

At that moment, I forgot that Tallis was a Scavenger or that we were in the woods. I forgot everything but the sound of my racing pulse as his arms flexed tighter around me. I licked my lips and cocked an eyebrow.

“I think you need a lesson in boundaries,” I replied while pulling out of his grasp. For a moment, he just stood there as I walked away. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw that his mouth was slack and his hooded were eyes fixed on me. I swayed my hips, smirking to myself as he shook his head before running to catch up with me.

We traveled in silence until the lights of the Walker Dorms were visible in the hazy night. My stomach growled, reminding me that I missed dinner, and I regretted not grabbing some of Nikketa's stew.

“I’ll be here in the evening to walk you to camp tomorrow. Can’t have you getting lost again,” he said in a coy whisper.

Before I could argue, Tallis was already strolling back into the thick trees. As his deep voice hummed a haunting song, the leaves on the trees surrounding him seemed to dance along to the melody.

I missed dinner, and there was barely enough luke-warm water left for a five-minute shower. But it wasn't enough to completely wash off the smoke-filled Scavenger camp from my skin.

Day one at the Walker Dorms, I decided that forcing someone to take a chilled shower was a special brand of cruelty. As the water trickled upon my sore shoulders, I looked Copyright 2016 - 2024