Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,308

a cocoon of limbs and blankets, the steady rhythm of my men’s breathing lulling me to sleep. It was the most peaceful night’s rest I’d had since leaving Dormas. I was thankful to be able to stretch out and not have to fall asleep sitting up in the crowded transport. I felt safe. The peace of this land still ran through the soil, comforting me despite everything that had happened.

But I woke up with a hot breath between my thighs. A tender kiss was placed on my skin as my eyes fluttered open. “Don’t move, Ash,” a calm voice said. I looked around, noticing that my men had left, then looked at the source of tension building within me and smiled when I saw Kemper.

He met my gaze with a smile before slipping my panties off, leaving me bare to him. “Wh-where is everyone?” I asked, my voice smoky from sleep and the emotional energy coursing through me. He looked so handsome lying there, and his hair was a mess from our well-rested night. His pale blue eyes were hooded, and I couldn’t tell if it was from sleep or hunger.

“They got up early to talk with Tallis. I’m the lucky bastard that gets to wake you up,” he growled, his voice dirty and making a steady heat build within me.

“Why do I get the feeling that you all did something ridiculous like draw straws to see who got to wake me up?” I asked, my voice breathless as Kemper caused my nerves to buzz.

“I cannot confirm nor deny that there was a competition for who got to have alone time with you in the tent,” Kemper replied, his voice playful but intoxicating as his eyes turned dark with hunger. “It might have included mud wrestling, but I prefer not to go into details.”

I laughed at that visual, but the light giggle was cut off quickly when he pulled me closer, pushing his hand up my stomach before dragging his blunt nails down my skin. “I can’t handle myself around you, Ash,” he said before kissing my clit. I jerked in response, panting as my sleepy haze dissolved into need. “I had every intention of waking you up with a gentle kiss on the cheek. But you were sleeping with your legs open like you were just begging to be touched.”

I gasped as Kemper slid his fingers along me, plunging them inside as he kissed me again. He didn’t circle his tongue around my bundle of nerves; he devoured me, savoring each taste like I was a dying man’s last meal. Up and down, his tongue flicked, and the fast rhythm was perfect. I lifted my hips up to meet each stroke.

“You’re so amazing. Can I wake you up like this for the rest of our lives?” he asked before nuzzling closer and inhaling me like I was a decadent treat.

“Hell yes, you can,” I replied breathlessly. I couldn’t stop watching Kemp. Eagerness for his hard body on mine consumed me with every breath. With one final lick, he started traveling up my body towards my mouth while still cupping me in his palm. Once he was hovering over me, I watched him remove his shirt with one hand, and I quickly moved to unbuckle his pants. I loved how his movements were borderline frantic and controlled. It felt like if he didn’t get inside me soon, he would combust.

There was something magical about feeling that desired. It emboldened me, making me feel sexy and needed all at once. “I’ve been thinking about this since last night. All I’ve wanted to do was slide into you. Make you feel how perfect we are together,” Kemper said. Everything felt like a dream. I supposed that some parts of me were nervous that my guys would shy away from the intensity of last night. But seeing Kemper worship every inch of my skin was reassuring.

“I need you,” I whispered. My voice was barely audible, and my tone was breathless. The straightening serum Jules used on my hair back at Madam B's brothel had started to fade, and my wavy locks covered my shoulders. Kemper had always liked my wild hair, and I appreciated how he ran his fingers along each curl. Like the bleached hair was something to be cherished. Jules promised me that she’d return it to my natural color once we had a moment to breathe.

“What are you thinking about?” Kemper asked, and I almost laughed at myself for being Copyright 2016 - 2024