Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,284

my sister. Did she send you here to find out why I’m not responding to her?”

For being so soft-spoken and gentle, she certainly had a fire in her words. “Ye-yes,” I mumbled, somehow feeling almost chastised.

“Well, you can tell her that I’m out. Cavil’s been executing people left and right,” she hissed while looking around. “She may be willing to die to get out of that brothel, but I’m not.”

I gaped at this girl, and even though my mouth was dropped open in surprise, she didn’t seem bothered or amused by my shock.

“But-But you have to,” I replied with a stutter.

“No. I don’t. I want to live. Tell her I’m done doing her dirty work. Bye now,” she said while waving. I stood there for a moment more, wondering if this was all a cruel joke. It wasn’t until she rolled her eyes and resumed washing dishes that I shuffled away.

When I made my way out of the kitchen and back into the hallway, my mind was in a fog. Everything about this mission had been a failure. We were out of time and would soon miss out on ending Cavil. If no one drugged the guardsmen, it would mean we’d have more stacked against us. I just hoped Kaye could still pull it off without her sister’s help.

We had no other options. We’d have to just make it work, because Cyler and Maverick going back to Ethros simply wasn’t an option.

Chapter Twenty

I was so lost in thought that when I opened the door at first, I didn't notice Cyler talking to someone. My eyes went wide with fear when I realized he was speaking with Cavil himself. "I'm surprised to find you outside my kitchens, Master Black. Did you find the appetizers not to your liking?"

Cavil looked suspicious as he stared at Cyler. "I hope there's not a nefarious reason for you being here. My kindness and generosity have been stretched extremely thin where you and your brother are concerned."

I would've gone back inside the kitchens and risked the anger of the chef, but Cavil caught my gaze. His smile went from full of scrutiny to mischievousness. I immediately looked down at the ground and shuffled toward Cyler and the Commodore. He didn't seem nearly as drunk as the night before, which meant his memory and his ability to observe me wouldn't be hindered by the alcohol.

"Ah, I almost forgot. Your little Companion is here." Once I was standing next to Cyler, Cavil traced a knuckle down my bare arm, and it felt like someone was slicing my skin. It would've been rude to swat his hand away, so I focused on Cyler beside me and hoped that he wouldn't continue to touch me.

"My, you sure are pretty. I can see why you like her." My heart raced under his perusal, the only comfort I had was that Cyler was near. When I was in Ethros, Cavil saw a less submissive side of me. I was defiant, and I hoped that by keeping quiet and acting shy, he wouldn't make the connection.

"But what were you doing in my kitchen?" he asked. We should've waited until Cavil had more to drink. I looked down at Cyler's wrist, where his fetter was clamped around it. I was worried that the Commodore would punish him, but Cyler threw him an easy smile. "I sent her looking for some whipped cream. I was feeling adventurous," Cyler said. The lie rolled smoothly off his lips, and as a result, my cheeks burned bright red with embarrassment.

Commodore Cavil went silent for a breath before clapping his hands together with a laugh. "Oh-oh! Maybe you'll come to play in my ivory room.” Cyler frowned, as if the thought of anyone seeing him and me together intimately was upsetting.

"I think I'm okay with keeping her to myself for now," Cyler responded while pulling me tighter against him. I was worried that the possessive tone in his voice would tip Cavil off, but it didn't seem to.

"Very well," Cavil began. I couldn't see his face because I was keeping my gaze firmly on the floor, but I heard the pridefulness in his voice. "I'll just have to hire her for myself."

Cavil lightly traced my collarbone with the tip of his finger, and I shivered with disgust. A breathy voice called from down the hall, bringing him out of his intrusive touch. “Emperor? Would you like for me to get you a drink?” Jade asked. She sauntered closer, flipping Copyright 2016 - 2024