Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,283

“Okay, it’s risky, but if we hurry, we can go before dinner.”

I nodded and followed him down the maze of hallways. “Where is Maverick?” I asked, making sure to keep my voice low.

“We decided to keep him away. He can’t keep his eyes and hands off of you, and it would look highly suspicious if both of us suddenly became smitten with the same Companion. It might make Cavil pay more attention to you.” Cyler went quiet and nodded at an Elite man and Companion passing us. He was already a bit buzzed, grabbing the Companion’s hip as they made their way towards the gathering room.

Once they were out of earshot, Cyler continued. “I didn’t really mean for him to see us together, to begin with. I never meant to put another target on your back, Babe. He’s been paying close attention to everything I do. And every time I turn down his offer to give me a Companion for the night, it becomes almost like a challenge for him.”

Winding down the hallway, I tried to feel concerned or fearful about what Cyler said, but all I could feel was happiness. I was glad that despite not knowing if we’d ever see each other again, Cyler and Maverick stayed true to me. “How much farther?” I asked.

Cyler took me down three more steps, bypassing a room that was all white with screens filling each wall. “We’re here.”

A swinging door with Walkers entering and exiting drew my attention, and Cyler scanned the hallways, as if ready for someone to turn the corner and attack us. “I’ll wait outside and keep watch. Go in and out as quickly as possible.”

I nodded, suddenly feeling nervous. This was my first small, yet official, duty for the Resistance. This was the sort of thing I’d been yearning to do, I’d wanted to feel useful and add to the cause. So why did my heart race with uncertainty, like I was headed towards danger?

I gave Cyler a quick peck on the cheek then went inside, immediately regretting not coming up with a reason for being here when I came face to face with a kitchen full of bustling cooks, Walkers, and curious stares.

“Can we help you?” a rude chef with dim black hair and a scowl the size of Cavil’s tower asked. She stirred her pot and jetted out her hip as she took in my revealing attire.

“I’m here looking for Lilac?” I said, not sounding nearly confident enough.

“Why? Who are you? Aren’t you supposed to be in the gathering room?” I shut my eyes, momentarily gathering myself and trying to think of a way to respond that would garner some sort of cooperation from this woman. Walkers were bustling by, taking extra care to avoid her which meant that she was the person in charge here.

“I work with her sister…” I began, trying to search my brain. And when the answer came to me, I almost felt ashamed for my excuse. Grief was the only thing that tied all Walkers together and would hopefully be what allowed me to find Lilac. “She contracted X. I wanted to let her know…” The chef’s eyes softened for a brief moment, and I knew that she was remembering someone that she had lost to the virus. We’d all lost someone, hadn’t we?

“I-I,” she stuttered, coughing back whatever emotion was rising in her throat before continuing. I wondered if her loss were recent. “I’m sorry to hear that. Lilac is washing dishes. You have three minutes. Don’t keep long, or I’ll find the Companion Coordinator and make sure she lets Cavil know you weren’t in the gathering area.”

I muttered a quick “thank you” with a bow before scurrying in the direction of the sinks. I didn’t want to waste any time. There, a girl not much older than I was scrubbing the dishes and humming to herself. She, too, had blond hair like Kaye. However, the curls were long and luscious, hitting at the middle of her back. She swayed as she washed, and there was an innocent way she moved, a nice lift about her that I found intriguing to watch.

Over her shoulder, I saw the chef eyeing us, so I quickly introduced myself. “My name is shade, are you Lilac?” She turned to face me and dipped her brow in confusion.

“Do I know you?” Her voice was soft and high pitched. Her eyes took in my outfit, and she nodded once before continuing. “Ah, you must know Copyright 2016 - 2024