Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,266

time to the trumpets playing in the formal party room. The tower was a maze of places and people. We hit a staircase leading down to a lower floor, and Maverick pulled me inside a bedroom, slamming the door shut behind him and locking it.

“This is not good,” Maverick said in a shaky voice. He began pacing the floor while running his hands through his hair. “What were you thinking coming here? Was all of this for nothing?” he growled. I felt my blood boil with anger as he spoke.

“I had no choice. They saw me at the brothel and picked me to attend,” I said, strolling up to Maverick with a frown. “I came back for you, Mav.”

Maverick cupped my cheeks and stared into my eyes. He was like a predator debating over if it wants to devour its prey or snack on it. “You have no idea what kind of a risk this is.”

“I don’t care about the risks. I’d do anything to get you back,” I choked out. Maybe it wasn’t what Maverick wanted to hear. He’d been battling his own self-sacrificing habits for as long as I’d known him. He couldn’t believe that I loved him enough—that anyone loved him enough—to do the same.

“You don’t care?!” Maverick yelled, walking towards a bar cart off to the side of the room. I’d let him have his freak out. I’d let him be angry. When I’d learned that they stayed behind, I had time to process my fear. I’d give him the same opportunity. Love was patient, after all.

Scattered papers filled the room, and books were piled high upon an unmade bed. The tall windows overlooked all of Galla, showing off the night sky and giving the illusion of peace. I’d often wondered where Maverick was staying all this time. Many dark nights, I envisioned him in a prison cell, hunched over and working while Cavil and his guards electrocuted him. This was definitely preferable.

“This is a nice place,” I whispered while casually walking to his desk. I thumbed the papers sitting there and smiled when I saw a corner of pen doodles. My name scratched in bold letters sat proudly in the corner.

“Cavil keeps my workspace tolerable,” Maverick groundout. I sensed some discontent in his statement.

“Have you been okay, Maverick? I mean really. Has he...has he hurt you?” I asked, fearing the answer. I needed to know.

“Of course I’ve not been okay. Anytime I don’t have you in my arms, I’m not okay.” I watched as Maverick poured himself a drink then cursed when the liquor cart lit up a shade of red, prohibiting more liquid from being poured. I guess Cavil didn’t want his prized scientist drunk on the job.

“But all of this? It’s now for nothing. All the pain of being apart is for nothing because you’re here.”

“I’m not going to apologize for coming for you,” I said with a whisper. “I’m not going to apologize for fighting for us.”

“I’m surprised Huxley let you do this,” Maverick said before straightening some papers on his desk. It was like he had to keep moving, his fingers were itching to straighten things, put all the little pens and papers on his desk in order because it was the only thing he could control in this situation.

“I don’t need anyone’s permission, Maverick.”

I stared at Maverick, my chest heaving with anger, tension and...arousal. I wanted him. I didn’t care how it happened. Five months of wanting a man I didn’t know was alive became too much. It was all too much. I strolled forward, grabbing his hand and brushing my lips along his knuckles. Maybe I was selfish for pushing, but I needed to feel Maverick’s lips on mine.

“Kiss me, Maverick,” I pleaded. Instead of responding to my demand, he merely looked at the door with defeat. A sad sort of anger filled me. It wasn’t like the all-consuming one I felt when Huxley and I sparred or even the thudding outrage that always seemed below the surface. No, this anger was mellow and dark. It crept up, shocking me with its intensity. It felt hopeless, like it would never let me go.

Was this it? Was Maverick done with me? “Okay,” I said once I realized that he wouldn’t be giving in to my demand. Spinning around, I spotted a wingback chair in the corner and made my way towards it. I planned to sit things out and let the emotionless vacuum of Shade swallow up my feelings. She Copyright 2016 - 2024