Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,265

clutched the fabric at my breasts, keeping it up as we kissed. I opened for him, and Cyler thrust his thigh between my legs, pushing up against my core as he used his free hand to grab my hair, yanking my lips from his so he could lick and suck on my neck.

I was nothing but pleading whimpers. Desire. Hot pain and pleasure demanding more. Five months of longing finally came to an end. I didn’t see the ivory room, the Elite, the Walker Companions, or even the figure standing behind him. I just felt Cyler Black and his all consuming love for me.

“What the fuck are you doing?” a familiar voice asked as Cyler was ripped from me. “Really? Does Ash mean nothing to you? How could you do this to her?” Maverick asked while rearing back to punch Cyler before staring at me. I almost let out a scream, begging Maverick to stop, but his shocked whisper stopped me.

“A-Ash?” he asked in a deadly low whisper, as if saying my name out loud would break the spell of seeing me. I worried my disguise wasn’t enough. What if Cavil recognized me? Behind Maverick, Blythe looked at us with disgust before storming off.

“What are you doing here? Blythe said you wouldn’t be here until the end of the month party,” Maverick asked, leaning closer and pushing me even farther into the shadows. Both of them formed a tight wall around me, and I wanted nothing more than to sink my teeth into Maverick’s bottom lip. In the distance, I could see that things were heating up in the ivory room. Men and Companions had started to drift off down the many winding hallways. An Elite woman and a Walker Companion were kissing passionately on Cavil’s ivory couch, spilling wine everywhere.

“I had no choice,” I whispered. “I was called here.” I couldn’t help but feel a slight pang of insecurity at hearing Blythe’s name on Maverick’s tongue. Was he mad that I disrupted his night with her? Five months was a long time. I knew it was unreasonable, and I hated myself for even thinking it, but I needed reassurance.

“You shouldn't be here,” Cyler said. He was still close, crushing me against his body. I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged Cyler tightly before letting go and migrating to Maverick.

He looked the same. If anything, more well-rested. His hair was a bit longer, his skin more pale. I wondered if he was allowed outside. “Mav, aren’t you happy to see me?” I asked before stepping closer.

He looked over his shoulder, staring around at the room, looking at everyone before slipping his eyes to me. “Of course I’m happy to see you, but not here. Not like this.”

I half expected this, but it didn’t mean it hurt any less to hear. I slumped in sadness, feeling rejected even though I knew I had no right to feel this way. Shade was confident, but the Ash that was in love with Maverick and Cyler wanted them to show some sort of excitement. I wanted to slap myself for being so caught up. I knew they loved me. I knew this just wasn’t an ideal situation.

“Ash, sweetheart, don’t look like that,” Maverick whispered. A familiar cadence of trumpets sounded, causing Cyler and Maverick to stiffen and stare at one another.

They made a wordless choice then, communicating only with their stares and leaving me out of the decision making process. Surprise, surprise.

“Cavil,” Cyler whispered while looking around the room.

“I’ll take her to my room,” Maverick said while gripping my wrist. Cyler seemed reluctant to let me go, but he kissed the inside of my wrist, letting me go with a glance that said this wasn’t over.

Chapter Fourteen

Maverick guided me down the hall, avoiding the throngs of people rushing forward to greet Cavil as the processional music played. The soundtrack of people cheering for his arrival echoed against my skull. In the back of my mind, I knew I should have been nervous, but seeing Maverick and Cyler again eased any fear I felt.

“Hurry,” Maverick said. I kept my head low as we passed guards. I kept sneaking looks from the corner of my eyes, but none seemed to pay us any mind. Maverick’s wrist still donned the fetter that I hated so much. I ran my thumb along its ridges, wincing as I remembered the day Maverick clamped it onto his wrist, tethering us together.

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