Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,183

my feet, the constant movement helping to keep my muscles warm.

"Mav's going to be fine, you know," he whispered while pulling me to his chest and inhaling.

"I know, I just...I just worry," I tried to explain.

"Can I give you some advice?" Cyler asked while clutching me tighter. I abandoned my plate and relaxed into him.

"Yes," I replied.

"It’s not just Maverick that needs reassurance right now. Huxley is still recovering from watching you be tortured, Patrick is feeling helpless, Jacob is moping, and Kemper is itching to do something useful," Cyler said softly.

I closed my eyes and groaned. How would I ever be enough for everyone? How could I navigate their demons while fighting my own? I turned my head, and my cheek collided with Cyler's lips. I felt him smile against me, then his tongue snaked out and licked my jaw.

I giggled, the sound forcing everyone to turn and look at us. I saw the jealousy and pain in Patrick’s and Kemper's expressions. Huxley's juniper eyes still looked vacant, and I didn't even know where Jacob was. He disappeared upstairs an hour ago.

"We never got the opportunity to discuss this. It’s not fair of us to expect you to innately know how to juggle us, even in the best of conditions, let alone while being held prisoner. But as much as you're worried about Maverick, he'll be okay. They need you. I—it was really hard, watching you go through that. I feel like shit for even saying this. Hell, you're the one that's suffering—"

"Cy, I get it," I interrupted while rotating my body so that we were facing one another. I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled. "You're the fearless leader. You're just doing what you do best."

"Messing shit up?"


I nuzzled into his chest as I felt their eyes on my back. This was hard to do even in normal circumstances, but despite it all, I wanted Cyler to feel my love, too. "And what about you? What do you need, Cy?" I whispered.

His gaze drifted over my head, probably connecting with someone behind me. I saw his eyes go hard for a second before they trailed back to me and softened.

"I need you," he whispered before lightly kissing me. I should have felt embarrassed about the public display of affection, but the love he poured into our kiss diminished all doubt .

I pulled back and smiled up at him. His long hair a mess and past his shoulders, his strong features and playful smile.

"But even more than that, Babe, I need this to work. So go reassure them. Patrick does best with words. Huxley needs touch. Kemper needs to feel like he's helping you—give him shit to do. And Jacob? He's going to need alone time, more so than the others."

"Okay," I mumbled before kissing him on the cheek. I took a moment to look at him again. Cyler was ruthless, yes, but even more so, he was intuitive and caring. I squeezed his hand before turning away and walking towards Kemper.

"Hey, Kemp?" I asked. He uncrossed his arms and straightened his spine, suddenly alert. "Do you think you could help me find some other clothes?" I looked down at the oversized t-shirt I woke up in. Kemper smiled at my request.

"Absolutely," he replied with enthusiasm. I was momentarily amazed by how he preened under the opportunity to do something. After opening and closing his mouth and blushing, he asked, "Do you want anything in particular?"

"Just something comfortable. Maybe a hair brush, too?" I ran my hand through my hair and frowned at the mass of curls and tangles. "What a mess," I said.

"A beautiful mess, but yes. I'll find you one." He kissed my cheek and excused himself. I noticed a lightness to his step that wasn't there before.

Once he was gone, I tiptoed over to Huxley, who was sitting on a leather loveseat and staring blankly at a wall. Patrick sat next to him, resting his forearms on his knees and looking at the ground. When I got closer, I placed a finger on Huxley's knee and said, "Mind if I sit here?" Huxley slowly turned his face towards me while clenching his jaw."Will it be because you want to, or because Cyler told you to?" he asked in a cold voice.

Patrick looked up at me, instantly curious about our conversation.

"Can it be both? I won’t deny that I make mistakes. I don't know how to be in a relationship, especially one with six men. Copyright 2016 - 2024