Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,15

nasty things that the Walker said to me, but there was a lot of work to be done once we got home.

I fled the transport the moment it parked, not allowing Cyler to assist me in exiting the vehicle. His nearness spent sparks down my exposed skin, and I needed a break from the confusing tension he caused within me. I quickly prepared dinner and forced myself not to obsess over what was happening.

The ultimatum Cyler had in store for Josiah made me nervous. A small part of me hoped that Josiah would choose me, but the more realistic side knew that he was duty-bound. His position required certain sacrifices.

Once again, I daydreamed about Josiah and me running away to one of the more primitive provinces. We would start from scratch and build our lives together. Our children would have my eyes and his hair.

I wished this life for us daily. If I were a braver woman, I would beg Josiah to run away with me. Give up his father’s legacy. But I’m not nearly that bold. Nor that selfish. Whatever childhood love existed between us would never matter.

Too soon, the moment came for Josiah to decide. Everyone settled in at the kitchen table, and the stress from the earlier Walker Zone visit was still evident in their weary expressions.

Mistress Black wore a long, elegant evening gown which pushed her tiny chest up almost to her chin. She flaunted her body like it was all she had to offer, and I noticed Josiah occasionally peeking at what she so proudly displayed on a golden platter of silk and makeup. Josiah dressed in a suit that made my mouth water. Twice, he caught me staring at him, and the hint of a smile curved the corner of his lips. He knew he had my full attention, and he reveled in it. Even Cyler cleaned up. If it weren’t for his beard and fiery eyes, I would almost have thought that the crisp shirt and ironed pants made him looked refined, handsome almost.

"I'd very much like for Ashleigh to accompany me back to Dormas” Cyler’s voice boomed over the table. “Her cooking is divine, and our leadership council is seeking to hire a new cook. She would be a free citizen in my province. We will agree to the trade under that condition."

His voice was final and demanding, and he spoke with such confidence, as though he already knew what decision Josiah would make. After a second of pure agony, I turned to look at Josiah and gauge his reaction. Aside from his fiery eyes that burned hot, scalding my heart, the rest of his face remained expressionless. He gave the impression that Cyler’s offer meant nothing to him. I waited for him to say something, anything, but surprisingly, it was Mistress Stonewell that replied.

"Oh, how lovely. We are truly flattered that you've taken such a liking to our dear Ashleigh. We, too, think she is an amazing Walker. I think this might change some parts of our deal, though, yes?" Her menacing eyes twinkled, and I coughed in discomfort. Josiah still silently sat while clutching the handle of his fork with force. Linda Stonewell was never one to pass on an opportunity.

"Well, what would you have in mind, Mistress Stonewell? Or may I call you Linda?"

Linda blushed at the informality of his request but refused to let it show how much he disgraced her. This trade deal was a game, and we all knew that Cyler chose informalities to gain some psychological upper hand intentionally.

"Well, Ashleigh has been a part of our family for almost a decade and a half. In fact, she grew up with Josiah. It will be challenging–almost downright impossible—for us to part with such a sweet and hardworking girl. Not to mention, her cooking is divine.”

I openly gaped at her. Not once had Mistress Stonewell made me feel like anything other than a burden, so I was surprised by her sudden affections for me. My entire childhood was spent listening to how much of a waste of talent and space I was. But now I was a pawn on the board, and she would use me to get whatever she wanted.

"Oh, yes of course! I want it to be a fair trade . . ." Cyler stroked his chin in mock contemplation and turned to address Josiah who had a stoic look about him. My heart pounded in anticipation for his reaction. "What would you like for Copyright 2016 - 2024