Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,14

I'd prefer filth and freedom to the life you lead. You’re a prisoner, princess.” His voice cracked with mad laughter, and I nearly fainted from fear. Walkers nearby looked curiously at the situation unfolding in front of them, but none of them made any move to stop him.

Suddenly, a low, blood-curdling scream erupted from the man as large hands wrapped around his neck and threw him to the ground. Cyler gave me a quick glance to ensure I was well, then stalked his prey. The dirty man scrambled away but couldn't get his bearings. His feet kept slipping, kicking up dust, sand, and dirt all around him, causing a cloud of debris to surround us. Cyler’s large boots stomped towards him, his eyes locked onto his intended target. He looked deadly.

"What makes you think you can threaten my Walker?" The way he took ownership of me sent shivers down my spine.

“I was . . . just poking fun. I was simply scaring the little princess a bit. That's . . . tha-that’s all!” the man exclaimed.

I looked over at the transport and saw Josiah scurrying out the doors and quickly pacing towards us wearing a determined look on his face. I turned back to the scene in front of me to see Cyler gripping the Walker by the throat. He then started to squeeze until the Walker’s face turned blue.

“Do you like feeling scared? Do you like knowing that if I squeeze for a little longer, you’ll no longer have to live your miserable, little life?” Cyler whispered in a tone that caused gasps to echo around the courtyard. If Cyler wanted to create an excellent first impression on his new people, he was failing miserably.

“Master Black, please release him,” Josiah pleaded with a shaky voice. Cyler immediately complied and dropped the suffocating man in the dirt. After checking to see if he was alive, he made quick work of dusting off his coat and hands.

“This Walker threatened Ashleigh. I simply wanted him to know that his behavior would not be tolerated. I assumed that you, of all people, would understand.”

I watched as Josiah’s temple throbbed angrily. His lips turned white from pressing them together. I’d only seen him this livid a handful of times, but as always, he managed to keep his voice steady. My ever diplomatic and image-conscious Josiah refused to let anything derail him.

“Thank you for protecting Ashleigh,” he said loud enough for everyone to hear. “The Galla province deeply values our Walker community, and we want to ensure that everyone feels safe and cared for. It is our responsibility to make the Walker Zones a safe place which means we must police ourselves during these trying times and report unruly citizens to the nearest Archés.” Just as Josiah finished his speech, a group of Archés guards stormed up to our group and cuffed the Walker that had nearly stabbed me.

Many of the Walkers that were watching everything immediately dispersed, and Josiah lowered his voice for only Cyler and me to hear. “Relations with the Walkers are in a delicate state, right now. We want to maintain the peace as much as possible. Thank you for protecting Ashleigh. Unfortunately, this is why we have such rules about intermingling. Once again, I encourage you to join your sister and me back in the transport. It is the safest place for you both. Come.” Josiah then stretched his arm out for me, but as I went to grab it, Cyler snaked his arm around my waist and guided me to the transport. Josiah remained silent and allowed Cyler to carry me away.

Even though I recognized Cyler’s forward actions towards me to be a test of Josiah’s intentions, I couldn’t help the flutter that stirred to life in the pit of my stomach. “Thank you,” I whispered. His wide eyes looked me over before responding as if to double check that the deranged man didn't harm me. “I should have been paying closer attention. That was too close.” I merely shrugged, which seemed to frustrate him. Then we wordlessly boarded the transport and headed back to the Stonewell manor while thoughts of Josiah, and Cyler’s offer, made my head pound with nervousness.

Chapter Six

The drive back was spent mostly in silence. Jules tried to ease the palpable tension with charming stories about her childhood, but the effort felt wasted on the two, brooding men in our company. I still shook with fear and wanted to scrub my skin clean of the Copyright 2016 - 2024