Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,142

I will even allow the people of Dormas to have access to whatever cure your brother comes up with.”

I watched as Jules considered her options, but I couldn't help but interject. “And what about everyone else? Will you keep the same system? Will Walkers still be forced to live in poverty, fighting for their lives while the rich survive and thrive?”

Cavil snapped his neck and looked at me with eyes like daggers. I felt his demeanor shift as he considered my words. His stare made me feel unworthy, like a disobedient child. Like an insolent Walker.

His fingers twitched at his side, and I wondered if he would hurt me. “Not that you have any say in the matter, but I plan to continue our empire’s current system with a few of my own modifications.”

“Maverick wouldn't want that,” I immediately said to Jules. Once again, Cavil threw me a murderous glare and swallowed down whatever insults were on the tip of his tongue .

Jules also seemed exasperated by my questioning. “I'm sure Maverick doesn't want to spend the rest of his life in Lackley’s prison, either,” she said. “Okay, we’ll do it.”

I opened my mouth, once again, to argue, but Tallis’ frown and slight shake of his head made me pause. Although I thought that Jules was being impulsive, Tallis’ judgment was something I could trust. It was something I'd been clinging to since leaving Lackley’s lab.

Within moments, Jules and Cavil were walking off towards his makeshift military camp outside the safe house, while Tallis and I watched them make plans together.

"Did we do the right thing?" I asked. I turned to look at him, but his eyes were still glued to Jules. There was a hint of admiration in the way his lips quirked up in a small half smile.

"Jules thinks this is a good idea,” he replied with a shrug. “I’m going to trust her judgment.” Tallis started off towards them, and I quickly followed.

"Do you think we can trust him?" I needed reassurance.

"I think he's our best option," he replied with a shrug, taking larger steps after them. "But I don't plan on letting Jules out of my sight either," he added in a low steadfast voice just as Jules laughed loudly and looked over her shoulder at us. She gave Tallis a meaningful glance before facing forward again. I clung to what little relief I could at this new development.

Although I was happy that someone would finally take on the Emperor and rescue my men, I still couldn't help but feel like we were trading one imprisonment for another.

Chapter Two

It took them about eight hours to prepare for the attack on Lackley’s lab. During that time, I experienced many conflicting emotions. Was this the right thing to do? On one hand, I was prepared to give up anything and everything to have them back, but I worried how Maverick would respond to Cavil’s requirements for the rescue. Maverick wouldn’t like hoarding the cure for profit. Were we rescuing his body just to damn his soul?

Jules mindlessly nodded her head while Cavil trampled over her with plans for the ambush. She only piped up to argue when he insisted that we stay behind.

“If you think I'm going to let you leave here without me, then I'm not sure I can trust that you're intelligent enough to rescue them in the first place,” she said sarcastically. She crossed her arms over her chest, jetting her hip out as she stood underneath the awning of one of Cavil’s military tents.

“Do forgive me, dear, but you're somewhat of a liability. I'd like to keep you safe, plus I think you’re the leverage I need to ensure that your brothers willingly come to Ethros. I promise my guards will take good care of you and your Walker. ”

Jules didn’t react to Cavil’s honesty. She understood that she was a pawn in his games. While looking around the Ethros military camp, Jules seemed to realize that she was fighting a losing battle. We had nothing, and Cavil knew it. So instead of arguing, she and Tallis snuck off for an hour, and when she came back, the only indication that she had been crying was her red cheeks.

When it was time for them to leave, Tallis boldly looked towards Cavil before placing a soft kiss on her cheek and boarding a transport. Cavil then scrolled through his tablet, turning his military invisible again. I was haunted by the fact that he could hide Copyright 2016 - 2024