Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,141

the art kitchen. You all can come stay in Ethros while we sort out this little vaccine reject problem," Cavil explained with wide eyes and a smile as if this solution was ingenious. “In fact, I think I’d much enjoy having another pretty Walker around.”

"We've all heard what you do to pretty Walkers, Cavil," Tallis said. His voice was harsh and unyielding.

"You’d think a Scavenger would know better than to listen to rumors," Cavil replied tauntingly. "There are people in Ethros convinced you all run around in the nude. I'm sure some of them will be disappointed when I go back and tell them you’re fully clothed,” Cavil chuckled. “You must be the Scavenger leader that sent out the distress video." Cavil thrust out his hand for Tallis to shake, but instead, the Scavenger crossed his arms over his chest, brushing him off. Cavil didn’t falter.

"I have the resources necessary to get the Dormas Leadership Council out safely. All I need in return is for you all to take a little vacation to Ethros. This could be an opportunity to not only build an alliance, but find a solution that's mutually beneficial to our provinces. I want to understand this mutation and find a cure. I'm not a bad guy, promise. You might even like it! Ethros is known as the Home of Love," Cavil said while wiggling his eyebrows.

“And how are you capable of saving the Dormas Leadership Council?” I asked. My voice wavered as I spoke, emotion crashing through me. Cavil gave me a calculating gaze, as if cataloging my reaction and processing how he could later use it to his advantage.

“I have the best army. The best weapons. I can have them in and out in no time, little Walker. I’ll keep your Holders safe. Your loyalty and concern is truly admirable.”

"We'll do it," a soft but solid voice said, and my eyes zeroed in on a shaken Jules who stood behind Tallis. Her chin was raised in confidence, but the small droplets of water that gathered in the corners of her brown eyes suggested otherwise. "Save them." Tallis stiffened at her words and took in a deep breath. “I don't care what you have to do.”

Cavil’s smile took up his entire face. In two short sentences, Jules not only revealed herself, but revealed her weaknesses. I groaned at her impulsiveness. However, there was a part of me that was relieved. I would sell my soul to the devil if it meant I could have my guys back, and this certainly felt like a deal with the devil. It was still too soon to tell if he had bad intentions, but there was a foreboding sense tingling in the back of my mind that there would soon be consequences for agreeing to Cavil’s deal.

"Mistress Black, I presume? I'm so happy to see you're still here and not off to Dormas yet," Cavil said while looking pointedly at me.

“That's me,” Jules said.

“Well my dear, you are more lovely in person,” Cavil said with a slight bow while keeping his eyes on her.

“So what's the catch?” she asked while taking another step closer.

“I'm sorry? What do you mean by a catch?” Cavil and Jules were playing a game of cat-and-mouse while Tallis and I stood helplessly on the sidelines.

“Men like you always have an ulterior motive. I'm sure on some primal level you see the value in hiring my brother to find a cure. But there's more, isn't there? Let me guess…” Jules drummed the tips of her fingers against her peach lips while inspecting the army behind us.

“Well obviously,” Cavil began, “I would like the rights to whatever cure Maverick comes up with.”

“So essentially, you would like to monopolize survival, similar to what Lackley has done,” Jules said with a deep frown. I gasped. Was there no one left in the empire that did things for the greater good anymore?

“That's exactly what I plan to do, Mistress.”

Tallis opened his mouth to speak, but Jules gripped his wrist in her hand and squeezed.

“I won’t lie to you, Mistress. I’d also like an opportunity to grind Lackley beneath my boot. We have history, you see,” Cavil added.

“And you can promise me that you’ll free the Dormas Leadership Council and that they will be unharmed?” Jules asked.

“Absolutely! I have a monopoly on the weapons, and some of the best trained military personnel in the entire empire. I hope to not only free your Leadership Council, but also kill Emperor Lackley. Furthermore, Copyright 2016 - 2024