Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,139

And the world was hell-bent on taking it from me.

I had faith that Maverick would do all he could to save everyone, but I still had lingering doubts. What if he failed? I couldn't help but obsess over the consequences of Emperor Lackley's mutating disease. What if I lost them all before I even had them?

"Excuse me, Miss?" a smooth voice said with an accent that danced over the syllables. I looked up and spun around. A man wearing an orange uniform and black hat smiled at me. He had a mustache and eyes that appraised me with forced friendliness.

"You wouldn't happen to know a Jules Black, would you?" he asked. I stood there for a moment, considering my options. In the distance, I saw no one, but I couldn't know for sure if this man was alone. Desperation made people do desperate and deplorable things. He was well-groomed and polite, but I knew best that sometimes hell can hide in plain sight. The only thing I did know was that if he was looking for Jules, he could very well be an enemy. Speaking against Emperor Lackley made her a target.

"Depends on who's asking," I replied in a rough voice, crossing my arms over my chest. I took a deep breath and went through my options. There was something off about this man. But at the same time, I was curious. I could either scream for help or see what he wanted. I chose the latter .

"Do forgive me. The world goes to shit, and I forget my manners!" he exclaimed while stepping closer to me. I didn't have time to analyze the invasion of my personal space because, in one swift movement, the tall man grabbed my hand and kissed it. His soft lips were tender yet intrusive. I shivered in disgust and pulled away. Upon closer inspection, I saw that he was slightly older than me. He had tanned skin and wrinkles on his forehead. Hints of grey hair collected around his hairline, but his eyes were youthful.

"I'm Commodore Sebastian Cavil. It's a pleasure to meet you." He didn't blanch at my retreat or even seem offended as I wiped the feeling of his kiss off my hand. He stood close as he widened his stance, looking like a predator attempting to appear approachable.

"How can I help you, Commodore?" I asked tentatively while slowly backing away. Sweat dripped down my neck as my heart pounded. I knew there was a window just a few feet away. If I could just get Cavil in front of it, maybe Tallis would see. I wanted to think that I could handle this on my own, but the truth was, I was an unprepared and sheltered Walker. Without the guys to protect me, the world seemed much more dangerous.

"I'm sure you're wondering what my intentions are. If you just let me speak with Mistress Black, I'll answer all of her questions," Cavil replied. His lip quirked up in amusement, but his eyes flashed towards the exposed ridge of my ear where my Walker ear tag once was attached. His dark, brooding irises made me pause and once again doubt his friendliness.

"Jules Black isn't here," I replied automatically. I might not like her very much, but she was still Cyler’s and Maverick’s baby sister. I would protect her. "She's gone to Dormas to care for her people." My explanation seemed fake even to my own ears, but I hoped he believed it.

Commodore Cavil's eyes squinted at me as if assessing the truthfulness of my statement.

"I see," he replied in a slow, accusing tone. He wordlessly began digging in his pant pockets .

I took another step backward, placing myself directly in front of the window. I prayed Tallis saw. I had no doubts now; Cavil was dangerous.

"Well, that is simply a shame. You see, I brought my big, bad army to rescue her family," Cavil said while pulling out his tablet and pressing down on the screen. With a flick of his wrist, a shimmer of light filled the empty dust field beside us, and an army of a couple hundred men appeared. "It’s fancy technology," Cavil explained as my eyes widened in shock.

They were completely invisible before. The smell of gasoline and sweat filled the space, and the wind picked up, brushing my curly hair over my neck as Ethros flags waved above transports and tents in the distance.

"I have absolutely no clue how it works. I stole it from Emperor Lackley Copyright 2016 - 2024