Wildest Dreams - By Rosanne Bittner Page 0,13

love between a man and a woman that she deserved to have for herself. Before this night was over, Lettie MacBride was going to agree to be his wife.

Lettie saw Luke coming and considered hiding in the wagon again but she knew deep inside that this time she had to see him. After tonight she would never see Luke Fontaine again. He deserved at least a good-bye. Despite everything, she felt driven to look her prettiest. She was two women—one, full of shame, wanting nothing to do with any man; the other hoping that Luke Fontaine found her beautiful, wanting to dance with him, go to Montana with him, go anywhere with him. For Luke's sake, she was determined to hide that other side of her. He deserved better than soiled goods.

Her cheeks grew hot as he approached. Why did he have to look so handsome tonight? Something stirred deep within her at the sight of his snug-fitting black pants, his broad shoulders, his handsome face with its high cheekbones and full lips and provocative blue eyes. His thick, dark hair was slicked back. She felt an aura of power and masculinity as he came to stand before her. "Will you dance with me?" he asked.

Lettie looked down, and her brother gave her a nudge. "Go ahead, sis." He grinned at Luke. He liked the man, wished he wouldn't be leaving them tomorrow. Little Nathan toddled up to Luke and tugged at his pants. James leaned down and picked him up. "You leave Luke and your mommy alone," he ordered. "They're going to dance."

Lettie didn't know how to say no, nor did she get the chance. A big, strong hand was quickly folded around her own, and she was being led into the circle of dancers. Another strong hand was pressed against her back then, and in the next moment she was whirling around to the music.

"Lettie, look up at me."

She didn't dare, did she? If she looked into his eyes, so close to him as she was now, his strong hand squeezing her own, she wouldn't be able to think straight. She wouldn't be able to do what she knew was right.


She raised her eyes to meet his gaze, and a wonderful warmth flooded through her.

"I love you, and if you try to say you don't love me, you're a liar."

She swallowed back tears. How could he possibly love her? "Sometimes love isn't enough."

"It's all a man and woman need."

"Luke, I've tried to do this the easy way."

"By avoiding the truth?"

"You know what I mean. The less we see of each other, the less hurt there will be. Tomorrow we'll go our separate ways. In time we'll both—"

She was unable to finish the sentence. He was suddenly whisking her away from the others into the dusky darkness, a firm arm around her waist. Not wanting to cause a scene, she didn't protest. She sensed that even if she kicked and screamed, he was going to take her off and have his say.

They were away from the light of the fire now, behind a wagon, a soft, evening breeze cool against her hot cheeks, just strong enough to keep the mosquitoes away. There was a warm, sweet smell to the air. The sun was fast setting, and a full moon was trying to make an appearance. Just as she was about to speak, Luke pulled her tight against him, lifted her off her feet, found her mouth in a warm, delicious kiss, a prolonged kiss that put a large crack in her stubborn will to deny him. Lettie found herself returning the kiss with unbridled passion, amazed that this second kiss was as wonderful and provocative as the first one had been; to know that again, this man had awakened something in her she was afraid had been lost forever; to know she really could want a man.

Then the alarm set in. There was much more to what a man wanted than kissing, and here was a man who deserved much better than Lettie MacBride. She turned her face away. He continued kissing her cheek, her neck. "Stop it, Luke!" she said with a small whimper.

"Why? Because you think you've been somehow tainted? Because you think this is wrong just because of what happened to you?"

"It is wrong! Tomorrow you'll go your way and we'll go ours, and everything will be much easier for both of us if we just let it go at that."

"Will it?" Luke slowly set her

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