Wicked Love - Michelle Dare Page 0,34

power to earn yours, if you’ll just stick around long enough so I can show you. How about it, Princess?”

And I know he’s right.

“Yes,” I reply, “Now kiss me, my Prince.”


About Andrea Smith

Andrea Smith is a USA Today and Amazon Best-Selling Author of the G-Man Series! She has a wicked sense of humor, and no matter the genre, she is able to infuse laughter throughout.

She self-publishes Contemporary Romance, Romantic Suspense, Romantic Comedy, New Adult Romance, MFF Romance, True Crime Fiction and Sensual Romance with a paranormal twist. She has collaborated with Author Eva LeNoir on three M/M Romances! Many of her books are also available on audio!


Night Moves

CJ Pinard

Newly-turned vampire Daniela has taken up bounty hunting for work. But there's something about her newest target, a sexy human named Judson, that isn't quite right. It's possible he's innocent and now Daniela has to choose whether to bring him in, or take him on the run.


Night Moves by CJ Pinard

Copyright 2020 ©

This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

Copyediting: Amabel Daniels


This whole sunlight allergy thing was going to be a problem.

Okay… it wasn’t an allergy, rather, a side effect of my new “condition.” Not that I asked for this ailment, but there was no use crying over spilled milk. Or, in my case, spilled blood. I paced the floor, looking out through the peephole of my small townhouse, hoping the damn sun would sink behind the mountains so I could go the hell outside. I needed to get paid and I could only work at night… obviously.

“Off to work?”

I turned around to see my roommate, Angie, staring curiously at me, as she always did when I was pacing the tiled entryway to our shared townhouse. “Yeah, like always.”

She had a plateful of pizza rolls and a big, fizzing cup of soda in her hand. I sighed whimsically at them. God, I missed junk food. She set the items on the side table next to the sofa and picked up the remote. Before sitting, she pointed the device at me and said, “You should get a day job. Working nights blows. I’ll never do it again.”

Resisting an eyeroll, I forced a smile to my bright-red painted lips and said, “Well, I can’t get my ass up in the morning, so I’ll stick with the night shift, thank you very much.”

She plopped her butt down on the couch and said, “You’ll get sick of it, trust me.”

I glanced outside to see the sun had just fallen behind the Rocky Mountains’ horizon, and with my hand on the doorknob, I said, “Have a goodnight, Ang!” as I sprinted outside and got into my Audi SUV.

Yes, the townhouse had a garage. No, I couldn’t park in it. Angie owned the place, and I just rented a room, so the one-car garage space was hers. It wasn’t like I could argue with that. What would I say? “Hey, girl, I can’t go in the sun, could I park in the garage?” No. It was bad enough the woman thought I worked at a bar.

As far as the SUV went… ever try to shove a body into the trunk of a Honda Accord? They may be roomy, for like, groceries and strollers. A 250-pound man with a love of bacon cheeseburgers? Not so much.

Sure, I could have opted for the Kia SUV but where was the fun in that? The 250-pounder had yielded me a big chunk, so I’d got myself a used Audi with a few more miles on it. Zero regrets.

I slammed my stilettoed foot on the gas and headed toward the east side of town. The orange glow of the sun sinking behind the mountains was definitely a sight to behold—and not one I would ever tire of. But to see a sunrise—even without Colorado’s mountainous aesthetics—would be so damn

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