Wicked Love - Michelle Dare Page 0,33

back button so I can catch the beginning of the story, turning the volume up just a bit.

Late this afternoon, special officers from the New York State Interagency Task Force on Human Trafficking, along with state BCI officers, and agents from the F.B.I. executed search warrants on several locations throughout the city. Those who have been taken into custody are fifty-seven year old Dr. Daniel Armentrout, his wife, thirty-three year old Kandace Armentrout on multiple federal charges of conspiracy to engage in sex trafficking of a minor and transportation of a minor for prostitution. Along with those charges, they are also being investigated by the state in the disappearance of eighteen-year-old Diane Forrester, purportedly an employee of the Armentrout’s. More information will be forthcoming pending a thorough investigation of that matter. Multiple arrests were made during today’s raid on a business owned and operated by the Armentrouts, which is purportedly a private sex club known as The Sanctuary. Investigators were tipped off to various addresses throughout the city thought to be part of the Armentrout network of sex trafficking of minors and prostitution rings. Arrested for Obstructing Justice are twenty-two year old Shelby Parker, forty-eight year old Grady Monroe, and thirty-six year old Derek McNabb. More arrests are anticipated as both state and federal investigators dismantle the network and prosecutors present their cases to a Federal Grand Jury. According to a source who wishes to remain anonymous, this sex trafficking operation spanned several states, which, if confirmed, could spawn additional charges for R.I.C.O. violations. We will have more as this story develops.”

I sit in stunned silence as familiar faces flash before me on the television screen.

My cell phone trills. It’s Krew.

“Hey,” I answer softly.

“Did I wake you up, Princess?” he asks.

“No. Did you see the news?”

“I did. That’s why I called to see if you’d seen it. My God, Carson, this is some major shit going down, right?”

“Yeah. Exactly what I was thinking just now. It sure as hell caught me by surprise. But don’t you think it’s a little strange?”

There’s a pause.

“Well, I’ve been thinking about that,” he starts, “Do you suppose it’s possible that place has been under surveillance for a while? I mean this kind of a bust doesn’t happen over-night. I’ll be honest, Princess, I’m relieved. Now you have no reason to worry or get further involved. You can move on knowing that justice will be served.”

“Maybe,” I reply, “But it’s hard to move on not knowing exactly who it was who put me in the hospital, fighting for my life.”

I hear his sigh over the phone. “I know sweetheart,” he says softly, “I know you need closure, and I'm sure in time, that will happen. But look at it this way, those people are likely shitting their drawers right now. And in order to get some sort of plea deal, they'll surely rat one another out in order accomplish that. So chances are very good it will all come out. Just be patient. What you need to do is let me pick you up in the morning and take you down to provide your statement to the authorities, to refresh them about your case, so they properly link it to those bastards, okay?”

“Yeah,” I say with a sigh, “You’re absolutely right. Patience never has been one of my strong suits."

“Are you lonely?” he asks, changing the subject.

“Kind of,” I say, a smile forming on my lips.

“Want some company?” he asks.


“I’m parked outside of your dorm. So you have a choice to make - is it gonna be your place or mine?” he asks mischievously.

“You are something else,” I say with a laugh. “Let’s do your place. Give me five and I’ll be out.”

Later, after Krew and I properly made love, and yes, it definitely was lovemaking, I curl up against him. My fingers lightly brush a path across his taught belly. “Krew,” I say softly, “I didn’t mean to come off so bitchy earlier this evening. I sometimes have trust issues, and well, I thought maybe you were up to something shady, taking that call when you were right in the middle of -”

“Eating your pussy?” he finishes for me with a wide grin. “Yeah, not my best moment, I know, but trust works both ways, Carson. I’m not a player. I’m not an asshole out to get laid. I care very much for you, and I want to see where it goes. Trust is earned. And I promise, I will do everything in my

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