Wicked Love - Michelle Dare Page 0,32

you like me to show you another part of me that seems to make you scream, Princess?”

She releases a soft giggle, her eyes daring me to continue.

Game on!

I’m already shirtless, we’ve been working out, but now I lose my sweats, and quickly spread her legs on the table, kneeling between them.

“I’m going to show you just how much my tongue can make you scream, Princess. And then, I’m going to show you how my hard cock will make you scream,” I inform her as my fingers ply her soft folds apart, and my head dips down to feast on her pussy.

My tongue traces the length of her slit as my thumb circles her clit with light pressure. She wriggles beneath my touch, her soft moans spilling from her lips with every flick of my tongue and every push of my thumb against her hard nub.

My cock is rock hard.

It’s during this lusty moment my cell phone on the other massage table rumbles out the tune I have set for one special caller, and one caller only.


“Shit, I’ve got to take this call, babe,” I growl, pulling back from her, my feet dropping to the floor. I grab the cell, and take several quick strides to exit the room. As I head down the hall I hear Carson call after me: Krew Beckett I’m going to kill you!

I tap the screen taking the call. “Beckett,” I say gruffly.

The voice on the other end is clear and concise. “We’ve got ‘em.”

Thank fuck.


Free Falling

Is Krew Beckett a player? A cheater? A married man?

These are all the questions going through my mind as I re-clothe myself after his ill-timed and somewhat abrupt departure at the most inopportune time I might add!

Am I pissed? Curious? Suspicious?




I feel like I need to go upstairs get my stuff and call Uber. So that’s what I do.

The door to his office is closed, so apparently his phone call is still in process. Fucker.

I’ve just finished packing up my stuff and Uber is four minutes away when Krew makes his appearance on the stairs as I’m going down them.

“Babe?” he says, his eyebrow lifted in confusion, “Hey where are you going?”

“Back to my dorm.”

“Hey, wait. Now I’m sorry for having to leave you hanging like that, babe. But I had to take the call. It was business.”

“Really? I ask, tossing him a glare. “A physical therapy emergency? How does that work? Somebody get a Charley Horse?”

He tries to win me over with his smile, but it’s not working. “Look, you don’t owe me an explanation. We’re not in a relationship, I just want to go home. My Uber is here.”

“Now wait a fucking minute!” he snaps. “What’s with all this bullshit? You aren’t just a one-nighter for me for Chrissake! I don’t know what we are, Carson, but I can tell you this, we are something!”

“Oh really? Well go ahead, Krew. Tell me what we are?” I challenge.

He throws his hands up in the air. “Jesus Christ, I don’t know exactly, but I know for damn sure I care about you, and that I don’t want you to leave. Besides, we have somewhere to go tomorrow, remember?”

I sigh, “Krew, you aren’t obligated to take me. I’m perfectly able to go there alone. I have Uber.”

“Let’s not argue about it, Princess. You made a promise to me and I expect you to keep it, remember?”

He’s right, and I am a person who sticks to her promises. But there’s a shady side to Krew that I need to explore before we get any further into whatever it is we think we have going with one another.

“Okay, I promise I’ll wait for you to pick me up tomorrow to go to Shelby’s. But for tonight, I just want to be in my own bed. I’m not pissed, I promise.”

He eyes me warily, obviously mulling it over in his head considering if he should trust me or not. He needs to know that works both ways.

I stand on my tiptoes and give him a quick kiss on the lips. “Gotta go, but call or text me tomorrow when you’re on your way,” I say turning to go the rest of the way downstairs and out to my awaiting Uber.


Professor Plum, in the Library, with a Candlestick

After my shower, I’m sprawled out on my bed watching what’s left of the eleven o’clock news, getting ready to doze off when I hear a familiar name.

Daniel Armentrout?

I immediately sit up, grab the remote, and push the

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