Where Would I Be Without You - By CJ Hawk Page 0,63

it with a dreamy sound to his voice.

Just as he professed his love to me for the tenth time that night, lightning flashed across the sky causing an image to flash before like the lightning. The internal image of me as a troublemaker in my life fizzled away and was replaced with an image of Mason and me as a married couple, and helping each other out, no matter what problem arises.

I know I have caused more trouble in my life, more times than I can count. I know I always had this needless pursuit to push away anyone who might actually love me for who I am. Here before me was a man who was telling me he loves me for who I am, I pushed him away like a test, and he passed with flying colors - all straight A's. His excitement for our future together was the best confirmation a woman could ever ask for.

The next loud clap of the thunder that came before the next flash of lightning brought me back to Mason, looking at me tenderly, holding my hand while we sat on the bench. Before me was a man whom I fell head over heels, literally, just from the sight of him. His first flirt, to me ending it with a kiss, sent me into a tailspin, and now, he has shown me he is just as committed to me as he is to his career, his family and their relationship, and mine as well. How could I not want this for myself? Could I be so stupid as to push him away again as to some test of his love? No. I am thirty now, and I left all that lesson learning shenanigans behind me; I hope!

The End

"You can live your whole life judging people or you can live it with an open heart and open mind. If someone is toxic or judgmental than leave them to their own accord, do not subject yourself to their behavior. Be the person you want to be. Find it in your heart to strive forward with what is best for you." CJ Hawk - May the wings of freedom lift you higher.

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