Where Would I Be Without You - By CJ Hawk Page 0,62

a sweet ring to it, all the way around.

By the time we left his mother's house around three, the late-summer storm clouds blew in fast and furious. Running to get into his car in pouring rain, in a soft pink dress that became see-though when it was wet, had Mason smiling. Such a man he is.

Then I saw him start up his car and reach for his cell phone. Before he backed out of his parent's driveway, he had canceled the carriage ride on account of the weather. Then he turned to me. "You ok if we postpone this date, seeing as the weather for our outdoor date has put a damper on things?"

"Sure. Besides, I am so full from your mom's cooking that I don't think I want to eat anytime soon."

As he back out of the driveway, he tossed me one of his sultry looks that warmed me with shivers. "Besides, with that dress see through now, I have other ideas."

We both started to giggle; because that was one thing, he always came through on.

After our lovemaking, we found ourselves sitting on my apartment window bench seat at the early hours of six p.m. The storm had only intensified and we both loved to sit and watch the storm in the sky the best we could from the window seat. Sitting in nothing under our bathroom robes, me nestled in his arms, sitting between his legs, I sighed heavily.

He whispered against my ear. "What's up?"

"Oh nothing really. I was just thinking how when we get our first home, I would love to have a window like this, so we could sit like this, and watch the storms over the mountains."

"That can be done. Want to start looking? I was going to tell you I've been looking, but you've been spending every extra second finishing this management course." He kissed the side of my neck, and I let out a soft moan.

"Yeah. I mean, we can look, but I don't want to move into the house until after we are married. What would your Catholic relatives think?" I teased.

"Who cares? They already know that I moved into your apartment, and I know you and Marion have spent the last two weeks nonstop talking about wedding plans instead of your typical baby talk. Carl told me. Not to mention the talk in the kitchen today with you and my sisters, and my mother at the brunch table. With the way you guys have so much planned out; we could get married next week." He teased.

"Ok." I let it out there so calm and collected that I wasn't sure if he heard.

When he finally turned me in his arms towards him and looked me in the eyes, I saw his excitement. "Really? You mean that? Because if you do, I'll pay the church extra to get us in next weekend."

I laughed. "Well, not next weekend. But I think you've shown me the most support on this management course. How would getting married now make any difference?" I sat back down on the cushion seat, facing him and held out my new engagement ring, looking at it in awe. "Besides, life gets off course and having you by my side as my husband makes it that much easier to deal with. This living in sin thing is killing my Catholic side of the family, well except for my aunt, but I don't think she is a Catholic, she just says she is to keep the family off her back. I have a good feeling that you will help me no matter what career or family decision I make in the future. I love my job as it is, and I only took the management course for my mom, and well for Wally too, but I don't know if I really want that job. I do want to finish the courses though, just so I see it through, and in case I change my mind. Because I am a woman after all, and we tend to do that sometimes." We both laughed.

"As long as you don't change your mind about me." He joked.

"Not a prayer. And if I must confess, Marion and I have been sneaking in wedding talk here and there, we couldn't help ourselves. However, you know me; I'll make a list and organize, and we could be married soon."

I felt the warmth of his lips touch mine, and then I watched him sit back down. "I love you." He said

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