When Three Points Collide - Lisa Oliver Page 0,83

anyone at the council know you’re here?”

“No. I would lose my job if they found out.”

There was a long silence. Doblin didn’t move, but Kirill didn’t either. Arvyn whined, wishing he hadn’t been so quick to play scare the vampire. His mate looked like he needed a hug. He nudged Ra with his shoulder, and his little god stepped forward.

“Kirill, babe, I think what we’ve got here is the biggest case of wanna-be-itis I’ve ever seen. This guy was messy, and chances are the pizzas were all ordered on a coven account, and yes, he did mess up your suits, and invade your living space. But he’s just a baby vamp, isn’t he?”

“How old are you?” Kirill asked Doblin.


“Definitely a baby vamp then,” Ra said.

Hey, he’s older than me. Arvyn nudged Ra with his nose to let him know he was joking.

“A baby who saw something he wanted and didn’t think he’d get caught out,” Ra continued, with a quick grin at Arvyn. “I mean, you could lop his head off, or Arvyn could chase him down and rip his throat out, or I could send him to Antarctica or somewhere equally unpleasant, but I’m not sure what that would achieve. It’s not going to undo what he’s done.”

“He’s not sorry.” Kirill’s voice was clipped. “You heard him. He’s got an overinflated sense of entitlement.”

“Hmm. Good point.” Ra rested a finger on his chin. “He needs to experience some sort of consequence. Perhaps working with the less fortunate in society?”

Kirill was considering it, Arvyn could tell. “How much longer is your vacation?” He asked Doblin who was still standing as if like a statue.

“Three weeks.”

“There we go,” Ra beamed. “He can do three weeks working at a shelter, and if he doesn’t follow through, then as a god, I will know about it, and we’ll lay a complaint with your council and have him charged with theft and abuse of his position.”

Arvyn wanted to chuckle. He could scent Ra’s deceit, even if Doblin and Kirill couldn’t.

“Good idea. I just want him out of here,” Kirill said. “Doblin,” he addressed the robotic vampire. “You will leave here, go to the nearest homeless shelter where you will stay and work until the end of your vacation. If you do not, then Ra, the Father of Everything will let me know, and I will lay a complaint with the council and have you charged. Is that understood?”

“Yes, sir.” Doblin still didn’t move.

“Then go. Get out of my sight. Now.”

Doblin took one step forward, and then another one, and then, as the thrall lifted, he sprinted out of the room. Arvyn had to chase – he couldn’t help himself, and he scrambled after the vampire until Doblin had cleared the gates of the estate and kept on running. Then, and only then, did Arvyn trot on back to the house. Kirill was being hugged by Ra, and Arvyn initiated his shift, keen to join in on the loving.

“I can’t wait to find a new place in Montana. Having to deal with baby vamps like that does my head in,” Kirill said quietly, lifting one of his arms, so Arvyn could slide under it. “Do you two feel any less about me, because I really don’t think I’m cut out to run a coven anymore?”

“You’re perfect just the way you are,” Arvyn said fiercely, hugging his mate tight. “I wouldn’t be interested in running a coven full of those self-entitled assholes either. I didn’t even want to run a pack, so why would I be upset with you about not wanting a coven?”

“I think we’re fine the way we are,” Ra agreed. “You’ve done your duty to your kind. You were a good, fair, and generous coven master, but now it’s time for you to start living your own life. The three of us, along with some true friends – we don’t need anything else. As for the others, you’ve looked after members of your kind for centuries, my dear Kirill. It’s time to take a break and let others deal with the headaches. We have a baby coming, a new house to organize, and a whole lot of loving to fill our days.”

“That sounds like heaven,” Kirill said with a happy sigh. “Wave your magical hand, if you don’t mind, my beloved Ra. Just stage the house with whatever and get rid of everything else. I can buy anything I need, and I’ve got everything important in my arms already. I’m ready to get

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