When Three Points Collide - Lisa Oliver Page 0,84

out of here.”

Arvyn looked down at his nakedness. “I should probably put some clothes on first, especially if we’re meeting an estate agent. Or do you think we’d get a better deal on the price if I’m naked?”

“No.” Kirill and Ra both growled together and Arvyn laughed. He knew he was loved, and his mates’ jealousy was so cute.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

The new house in Montana was beautiful, and quickly became Ra’s second favorite abode, next to his house in Ireland. Their Montana lifestyle block wasn’t as big as Paulie and Zeus’s, but sitting halfway up a valley opposite their place, it had astounding views, fresh clean air, and the warmth of a real home that Kirill had been missing.

Since moving in, the vampire had shed all his tension, happy to sit for hours reading a book, or watching movies, the three of them curled up on the couch together. There were some days none of the men bothered with clothes, happy enough to spend their time in bed, laughing and loving on each other the way Ra had always dreamed.

Arvyn loved the new place, especially when he found the big old workshop behind the house. Apparently, Ra’s wolf mate had a love of woodcrafts and guitars, and Ra was happy to set him up with tools and the special woods that had Arvyn’s tail wagging. Because yes, the wolf side of Ra’s mate loved their new house too, and many an evening, it would be the wolf joining Ra and Kirill on their big old porch, keeping a watchful eye on rodents and the various animal life that lived and played in the trees surrounding the property.

It wasn’t all just cozying on the couch or spending their days in bed, however. Kirill had apparently taken on board Ra’s comment back when they met about how the god hadn’t experienced much of life on earth. Conscious of the fact that Ra wouldn’t be able to go out in public much longer, he was just starting to show, Kirill and Arvyn were determined Ra should enjoy the happy things in life – volunteering at a local soup kitchen, wandering around farmer’s markets on an afternoon, day trips on motorcycles, and visiting the out of the way diners and bars Ra loved. Many evenings, sitting in a bar, Arvyn would pull out his guitar and have all the locals singing along with everything from country hits to older eighties and nineties songs.

His mates made it so easy for Ra to forget that he was a god. So, a cerebral ding, heard early one morning while Ra was enjoying watching the sunrise, was a surprise. They had a visitor. Letting his mates know they had company through their now solid mind link, Ra got up, and offered a chair to one of his daughters.

“Bastet, I’m surprised to see you. Are you well?” Ra settled back in his own chair, waving a hand for refreshments. Bastet was a beautiful woman, and her eyes held kindly approval as she eyed Ra’s thickening waistline.

“Were you ever going to tell the rest of us you were mated and expecting a child?” she asked softly with only a hint of reprimand. “So many of your people would be thrilled to share in your good fortune and would be overjoyed to know the Fates haven’t overlooked us in their bid to provide gods with mates.”

“The Fates have doubly blessed me indeed.” Ra handed Bastet a glass of mint tea, knowing she would enjoy it. “I have two strapping mates who love me dearly, and I them. To be honest, if it wasn’t for this,” he patted his small baby bump, “it would be easy to forget the passage of time, but I haven’t felt so content in eons.”

“Happiness looks good on you, Lord Ra.” Bastet smiled. “But you should know, I was sent in to warn you.”

“Warn me?” Ra felt a shaft of alarm, and as if by magic, Arvyn and Kirill appeared by his side, bristling with protectiveness.

Bastet laughed in the face of his mates’ visible upset. “I’m here to make sure you’ve all got clothes on. No one wanted to disrespect you, or your mates by appearing when you were enjoying intimate times with your loved ones. I’m warning you about your impending lunch date with the people from your realm who love you and only want to share in your good fortune.”

“Here?” Ra glanced up at his mates. “Surely, the realm would be more appropriate for a mating

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