When Three Points Collide - Lisa Oliver Page 0,52

your rhythms right, or you could snap me in half.” Mouth open wide, Ra stretched his lips over Kirill’s girth as Arvyn began to move. All Kirill had to do was stand there, the base of his cock held firmly in his right hand. He knew he was well built, he didn’t want his precious god to choke on him, but with every thrust of Arvyn’s hips, Ra’s mouth moved further and further down his shaft.

Ra’s eyes were closed, long dark lashes splayed out across his skin. With his lips stretched to breaking point, Kirill wasn’t sure his beloved could do much more than encase his cock in the warm moist heat only found in a willing mouth. But Ra surprised him. Kirill could feel the man’s tongue sliding and wrapping around him, the suction from Ra’s mouth tugging through his length down into his balls.

Kirill fought the urge to climax. Arvyn was really working it now, his hair flung back across broad shoulders, his thicker fangs cutting into his bottom lip. But the hand that held Ra’s hip was gentle, not indenting the skin, and the brief kisses Arvyn dropped on Ra’s shoulders were quick but affectionate.

Electricity filled the air. Kirill could feel it – could feel the urge to climax build in the wolf shifter’s frame. It was enticing, intoxicating, and contagious. Kirill bit his lip, the slight ping of pain nowhere near enough to stop the tightening in his balls. Determined not to come until his cock was enjoying the same ass Arvyn was pounding, Kirill gripped the base of his length as hard as he could, doing all he could to stave off the inevitable.

Ra was pulled off his cock, and Kirill couldn’t object. Not when the smell of spunk hit the air, and Arvyn’s face froze in a grimaced mask, his hips frozen against Ra’s butt. One lick, one “do it” yell from Ra and Arvyn’s teeth were buried in Ra’s left shoulder, where it met his neck. Kirill felt the ghost of a click in his soul as Arvyn claimed his second mate.

Kirill wasn’t greedy. He could give his two beloveds their moment, even when his cock was begging for some friction. But he needn’t have thought he’d been forgotten. Arvyn lifted his head, his tongue licking across the wicked mark he’d left, cuddling Ra for a long moment as he met Kirill’s eyes. “I’m in you next,” the wolf rumbled, the gleam in his eyes electric. “You’ll take our precious god and make him yours, while I’m taking you.”

At the same time? Kirill knew it was possible. Hell, he’d done similar things with others in the past. But he’d never been on the receiving end of things and his butt clenching had nothing to do with his need to climax. But they were all three mates, beloveds, put together by the Fates. Equals. Kirill grimaced. “Find some lube,” he said as Arvyn kissed Ra one more time and pulled out. Getting onto the bed, Kirill pulled Ra into his arms.


Arvyn’s wolf wanted to howl – he felt as if he could take on the world, or at least one hunky vampire who had a stick so far up his ass it was a wonder it didn’t choke him. Kirill clearly had issues about bottoming. That was fine. A lot of men did if they hadn’t done it before. And when that man was as old as Kirill was, and had spent most of his life being the strongest predator around, Arvyn could understand the reluctance.

If Kirill had said no, Arvyn wouldn’t have pushed the issue. His wolf was cocky enough now his marks were on both his mates, and Arvyn would have been just as happy to watch his mates enjoy each other. But shifter stamina was a fact and “Find some lube,” was not a no. Arvyn was shocked when he got a hard tap on his shoulder.

“The lube.” Ra grinned handing him an unopened tube, before Kirill’s hand in his hair tilted Ra’s head up, and the vampire went back to devouring those lips. Kirill got his wish, Arvyn thought as he scuttled around the bed. Those lips do look like gorgeous strawberries.

Kirill’s ass was a work of art. It wasn’t perky, or a bubble butt. It wasn’t slender or overly muscled like the butt of an athlete. No, Kirill was solid and so was his ass. Just enough bounce to hold onto, but more than enough strength to take the

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