When Three Points Collide - Lisa Oliver Page 0,51

a man.

Not that Ra cared who Kirill and Arvyn shared their bodies with before. Eternity was a very long time and Ra had spent the bulk of what felt like that long, alone. He’d had a few partners way back in the day, he’d enjoyed hundreds of concubines in his time, both men and women. But no one had made his body soar like the pair who were plundering him were doing now.

All the feelings Ra didn’t know he’d been missing, he was feeling them intensely. Passion. Arousal. Two sets of hands stroking him, petting his skin, tweaking those hots spots… Ra groaned again as Kirill left his lips and was scraping his fangs up and down Ra’s neck, stopping every now and then to raise a mark with his lips.

Arvyn though… Ra reached down. It wasn’t as though he could see much of his lower half with Kirill looming over him. But his hand found Arvyn’s hair and Ra wove his fingers through it, lightly scratching on the scalp beneath. Arvyn didn’t seem to mind, his low hum sending vibrations around Ra’s cock, threatening to send him over the edge.

But Kirill was just as exciting in a different way. Ra had always assumed vampires were oral fixated – they would have to be given how they took their main nourishment. But Kirill’s mouth was teasing him, sending ripples of pleasure through Ra’s body.

Ra had to touch. There was nothing standoffish about Kirill anymore. His solid chest rippled under Ra’s fingers and Ra dared to reach lower, stroking over abs that flexed as Kirill humped the bed, his fingers brushing over the waistband of the vampire’s pants.

Arvyn pulled off and Ra moaned in protest. “Can I take you?” the wolf growled, and it was the wolf because when Ra turned his head to stare at the vibrant shifter, that otherworldly presence was there in his eyes. “Will you bottom for us?”

“Vers…” Ra’s head fell back as Kirill’s mouth pulled on his nipple. “Versatile. Will you let me… after?”

“Damn straight I will.” Arvyn seemed distracted, looking around. “You got any lube here?”

Lube? Lube? Lubricant! Right. “I can… Oh, my stars, Kirill.” Ra struggled to get his brain to work. Kirill’s hand had joined his mouth, tugging at Ra’s neglected nipple. “I’m prepped,” he yelled. “Fucked me. Fuck. Me. Damn it. Claim me.”

The delicious pressure on his nipples eased and Ra looked up to see Kirill standing over him, his eyes bright red and his fangs clearly visible. For a split-second Ra was unsure. Had he broken some unspoken rule by telling Arvyn his wolfen mate could claim him first? But then he noticed, how Kirill’s hands were framing an indecent bulge in his pants and Ra’s confidence returned. “Pull that out and let me see.” Ra licked his lips. “Feed it to me.”


At over six hundred years old, Kirill had done a lot of things and three to a bed wasn’t new to him. Hell, orgies were common back in the days when taking blood from a donor was the norm. But seeing Ra, his leg held aloft by a now naked Arvyn, the wolf staring at Ra’s behind like he’d found heaven – nothing had ever been so beautiful or arousing in Kirill’s eyes.

Kirill longed to slice his fangs into his beloved’s neck, take a mouthful of the goodness he’d experienced just a drop of before. But Kirill was also a man, a man with needs and when Ra licked his lips a second time, the desire on his flushed face obvious, Kirill wasn’t stupid enough to refuse. Whipping his pants off in record time, Kirill only had time to thank the fates he didn’t wear underwear or socks, before fisting his cock and holding it against those sinful lips.

Ra paused, just a moment, his tongue peeking out tickling the broad head of Kirill’s cock. For a second Kirill wasn’t sure what the delay was. He was desperate to see if Ra’s mouth met the promise it offered. But then Ra groaned, his body flexing. Arvyn was behind him, his hand on Ra’s hip clutching at the rounded butt cheek, holding it apart.

“F-u-u-u-c-k,” Arvyn growled as his hips thrust forward. “So good. I’m not going to last.” He held still, panting hard. Ra wasn’t doing much better, his slender chest heaving as he fought to control his breathing and relax his ass.

But within a minute, maybe less, Ra looked up and winked at Kirill. “You two make sure you get

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