When Love's Gone Country - By Merri Hiatt Page 0,50

Bobby said.

The police officer bent down and looked at Diego’s leg. “It’s just a surface wound. He’ll be okay. My brother’s a vet. I’ll have him come take a look.” He flipped open his cell phone and made the call. When he was done, he said, “He’ll be here in ten minutes.”

“Thanks,” Meg said.

Jeremy was clinging to Meg.

“You’re okay, honey. Are you feeling scared still?”

Jeremy shook his head.

“I am, too,” Purity said.

“Is Jacob gonna be okay?” Jeremy asked.

“Yes,” Bob said. “The doctors are taking really good care of him.”

“Can I see him?”

“We’re all going to go see him as soon as we give our reports to the officers.”

Chapter Twenty-Nine

The vet arrived, an older gentleman with a kind way about him. He talked with Diego in soothing tones the entire time he was examining him. He pulled cleaning agents, antiseptic and bandages from a black bag and tended to the wound.

“I’m going to give you a prescription for pain medication. It will make him groggy and a bit lethargic, but it will help. In a few days, he’ll be back to normal.”

“Thank you,” Bobby said. “I know his owners will be relieved.”

“Here,” Emma said, handing Alex one of the keys from around her key chain. “This’ll get you to Milton in no time. It’s the Blazer parked in the garage next to the main house. That key will open up the garage, too.”

“Thank you,” Alex said.

“It’s got GPS and everything. Just say Milton Hospital and it’ll do the rest,” Frank said.

“Purity is better with that stuff than me. I’ll let her take care of it.”

“We’ll get Diego up to the main house while you’re gone. You can get that prescription filled at the hospital pharmacy,” Emma said.

They all headed up the cellar stairs and then to the garage. The trip to the hospital was spent in silence. Everyone was still stunned from the days’ events and unsure what condition they would find Jacob and Courtney in.

They found Brad in the waiting room and were filled in on Jacob’s condition. The surgery had gone well and he was in post-op.

“He should be in a room within an hour or so. Courtney is sleeping. She was coughing so much, they gave her a sedative.”

Purity and Meg stood in Court’s doorway watching her sleep.

“She looks so peaceful,” Meg said. “I have so much to thank her for. She saved Jacob’s life, then Alex saved Jacob’s life. We are doubly blessed.” Meg began to cry.

“Oh, Meg.” Purity hugged her friend.

“I don’t want him to die. I couldn’t stand it. It’s bad enough that he thinks we don’t love him, but he just can’t die without knowing how much richer our lives are with him in it.”

“He knows, Meggie. I know it doesn’t seem like he does. It’s just all this crap from his past boiling its way to the surface. He loves you guys just as much as you love him. He just needs time and a bit of space.”

“Well he’s not getting any space. I’m not letting him out of my sight for even a second.”

Purity smiled. “Yes, you will. Because you love him and you want what’s best for him. You’ll go to counseling, we’ll all go to counseling, and five years from now things will be different.”

“Five years! My heart can’t take five years of this.”

“You’d be surprised how much the heart can take.”

“Jacob’s on his way to a room,” Bobby said, interrupting their conversation.

They all headed to room 128, except Brad. He stayed by Courtney’s side, holding her hand.

When she moaned and then opened her eyes slightly, he said, “Hey, honey, how you feelin’?”

“Like I been chewed up and spit up.”

“That sums it up pretty well.”

“Why do you look so tired?”

“Worried about you.”

“Oh, I’m fine. You know me. I’m too ornery and stubborn to let a little water take me down. How’s Jacob?”

“He just came through surgery and has a room. I think he’s doing well. I’m gonna check on him in a minute.”

“I love you. Do I tell you that enough? Should I say it more?”

“You tell me the perfect amount and you show me all the time.”

“Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. I’m gonna go to sleep I think.”

“Why don’t you do that.”

“Okay.” She patted Brad’s hand and slipped into a restful sleep.

Brad sighed. She was loopy, but she was Courtney again, making jokes and asking about Jacob. She was okay. He took a deep breath and released it. She was okay.

In room 128, Jacob was breathing steadily. They watched

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