When Love's Gone Country - By Merri Hiatt Page 0,49

secrecy?” Pure asked.

“There’s a lot of people who want to know how we make our applesauce. People will go to extremes to get information. It’s powerful. And, it would put us out of business if anyone was successful,” Emma said.

There were machines and vats and bins that Purity couldn’t identify as well as large stainless steel tables and some kind of contraption Pure was sure must be a conveyor belt of some kind.

When they reached an area with floor-to-ceiling shelving, Frank pressed an almost invisible button and a display panel appeared. He tapped in a code and then swung the unit to the side, revealing a dimly lit hallway.

“When we get to the other side, we’ll need to be quiet. That’s where the other connecting door is. We don’t know what’s happenin’ on the other side of that door,” Emma said.

“I think we should try and take one person at a time back through the corridor. If they have everyone on the ranch down there, it will take ‘em a while to notice anyone’s even missin’,” Frank said. “The fewer people in danger, the better.”

Purity nodded.

They reached the doorway and Frank tapped in the code, then nodded to Emma to turn off the hallway light before he began to open the door. He pushed on the door gently, barely nudging it open half an inch.

“Don’t ever’body speak at once,” Red said. “No one’s leavin’ here ‘til I get answers. I got all night, but he don’t.”

Purity felt her heart seize when she saw a gun being held against Jeremy’s head. As if the boys didn’t already have enough to overcome in therapy!

Bamma, TJ and Jessica were standing close by. Frank touched Jessica on the elbow and she turned. He held his finger to his lips. Jessica nodded. Frank pointed to the group, then used his thumb to point back to the hallway. Jessica nodded again. She casually nudged Bamma, then nodded behind her. He turned, saw Frank, and edged his way toward him until he was inside the corridor.

Jessica led person after person, very slowly, back through the hallway, always making sure her body was to the right and could be seen easily by Red.

Bamma whispered to Purity that there were around thirty people in the cellar.

“What does he want?” Pure asked.

“The secret to the healin’ well.”

“Does anyone know it?”

Bamma shrugged. “I sure as heck don’t.”

“Has anyone been hurt?”

“Just that big dog. He shot him in the leg.”

Purity could feel her anger rising higher. She headed back toward Frank and Emma. “We have to take him down. We can’t get any more people out of the room or he’s going to notice.”

“How many we got?”

“There are eleven in the hall now.”

Frank nodded. “I only know one way to shoot. I’m aimin’ for his heart. Even though I don’t think he’s got one.”

“I’ll take out his knees,” Emma said.

“I’m not sure I should even shoot. I may end up hitting Jeremy,” Pure said.

“I’ll do it,” Jessica said. “I was a police officer for eight years. Top of my class at the Academy. Marksmanship was my specialty.”

Purity handed her both the guns.

“On three,” Frank whispered, then mouthed, one, two, three.

They were through the door silently in seconds. Shots rang out as people ducked. Jeremy ran toward Meg and Bobby.

Red received direct hits to his chest and knees, and two shots right between the eyes, courtesy of Jessica.

Purity ran forward, wrapping her arms around Alex, Bobby, Meg and Jeremy. “Are you all right?”

“Yes, yes, we’re okay,” Meg said.

“I was so worried,” Pure said.

“We were worried about you! Where have you been? Where’s Jacob?”

“You didn’t tell them?”

“I couldn’t. Red had us on lockdown. Jacob’s at the hospital in Milton.”

“Charlie flew him there in Frank’s helicopter. He’s having surgery right now. They’re putting drain tubes in. He’s going to be okay. So’s Courtney,” Pure said.

“What about Diego?” Jeremy asked.

“We need to get him to a vet,” Bobby said.

“Hold it right there!” The cellar doors burst open and six police officers with guns drawn entered the cellar. They eyed Red’s body, then holstered their guns. “Are you folks all right?” the man in front asked.

“Now,” Meg said.

“Who’s Purity?”

“Me. I’m the one who called you.”

“You did right to call us. What happened here?”

“Justice,” Alex said with a hard edge in his voice.

Purity searched his eyes. They were filled with pain for Jacob.

“Start takin’ witness testimonies. We’re gonna be here a while, the man said to the officers behind him.

“We need to get our dog to the vet,”

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